15 records found


“Candidatus Siderophilus nitratireducens”

A putative nap-dependent nitrate-reducing iron oxidizer within the new order Siderophiliales

Nitrate leaching from agricultural soils is increasingly found in groundwater, a primary source of drinking water worldwide. This nitrate influx can potentially stimulate the biological oxidation of iron in anoxic groundwater reservoirs. Nitrate-dependent iron-oxidizing (NDFO) ba ...

Natural microbial communities are composed of a large diversity of interacting microorganisms, each with a specific role in the functional properties of the ecosystem. The objectives in microbial ecology research are related to identifying, understanding and exploring the role ...

Seemingly trivial secondary factors may determine microbial competition

A cautionary tale on the impact of iron supplementation through corrosion

Microbial community engineering aims for enrichment of a specific microbial trait by imposing specific cultivation conditions. This work demonstrates that things may be more complicated than typically presumed and that microbial competition can be affected by seemingly insigni ...

Anaerobic microbial communities can produce carboxylic acids of medium chain length (e.g., caproate, caprylate) by elongating short chain fatty acids through reversed β-oxidation. Ethanol is a common electron donor for this process. The influence of environmental conditions on ...

Exploring Microbial Diversity

Extending the boundaries of biopolymer production using parallel cultivation

Quickly, the show is about the start. Date: 3.5 thousand million years ago, location: planet Earth, event: life. Naturally, life is starting small, even microscopically tiny. Life in the form of microorganisms endures eons of time in which the world changes. They survived, failed ...

Volatile fatty acids (VFA) may serve as building blocks for the production of chemicals and polymers. A technology enabling high-rate VFA production from carbohydrate-rich wastewater is the anaerobic granular sludge process. In this study, the characteristics of an anaerobic g ...

Acetogens have the ability to fixate carbon during fermentation by employing the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway (WLP), which is highly conserved across Bacteria and Archaea. In a previous study, product stoichometries in galacturonate-limited, anaerobic enrichment cultures of “Candida ...

The wide variety of organic carbon to nitrogen and phosphorous ratios that are encountered in different wastewaters has a major impact on the poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) accumulation potential of microbial communities. In this study we investigated the influence of the subst ...

Exposing a microbial community to alternating absence and presence of carbon substrate in aerobic conditions is an effective strategy for enrichment of storage polymers (polyhydroxybutyrate, PHB) producing microorganisms. In this work we investigate to which extent intermediat ...

Despite its ecological importance, essential aspects of microbial N2O reduction—such as the effect of O2 availability on the N2O sink capacity of a community—remain unclear. We studied N2O vs. aerobic respiration in a chemostat culture to explore (i) the extent to which simultane ...


Comammox bacteria are capable of catalysing the full nitrification pathway – oxidation of ammonium to nitrate – and have been encountered in many ecosystems recently (Lawson & Lücker, 2018). What the ecological role of comammox bacteria is in hypoxic enrichment cultures remai ...
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from aerobic granular sludge (AGS) have recently gained commercial interest as a valuable resource. The alkaline EPS extraction yields roughly 25% of soluble EPS, and about 75% of solid alkaline residual sludge. This study aims t ...