Gerard Muyzer

28 records found

Haloalkaliphilic chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria belonging to the genus Thioalkalivibrio are highly abundant in microbial communities found in soda lakes and dominant in full-scale bioreactors removing sulfide from industrial waste gases. Despite certain soda lake ...
The genus Thioalkalivibrio comprises sulfur-oxidizing bacteria thriving in soda lakes at high pH and salinity. Depending on the geographical location and the season, these lakes can strongly vary in temperature. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the molecular and physiol ...
Thi.o.ha.lo’phi.lus. Gr. neut. n. thion sulfur; Gr. masc. n. hals, halos salt of the sea; Gr. masc. adj. philos loving; N.L. masc. n. Thiohalophilus sulfur and salt loving.
The genus Thiohalophilus was originally classified as an unaffiliated member of the Gammaprotebacteria. ...’nas Gr. neut. n. thion sulfur; Gr. masc. n. hals, halos salt of the sea; Gr. fem. n. monas unit, monad; N.L. fem. n. Thiohalomonas halophilic sulfur-utilizing monad.
The genus Thiohalomonas was originally classified as a member of an unaffiliated deep lineage of ...
Biocatalytic copper centers are generally involved in the activation and reduction of dioxygen, with only few exceptions known. Here we report the discovery and characterization of a previously undescribed copper center that forms the active site of a copper-containing enzyme thi ...’ter Gr. neut. n. thion sulfur; M.L. n. alkali (from Arabic al-qalyi, the ashes of saltwort) sodaash; N.L. masc. n. bacter a rod; N.L. masc. n. Thioalkalibacter rod-shaped bacterium that loves alkaline conditions and utilizes sulfur compounds. The genus Thioalka ...
Thi.o.halo.bac’ter. Gr. neut. n. thion sulfur; Gr. masc. n. hals, halos salt of the sea; N.L. masc. n. bacter a rod; N.L. masc. n. Thiohalobacter halophilic sulfur rod.
The genus Thiohalobacter was originally classified as an unaffiliated member of a deep-lineage of the Gamm ...
Thi.o.ha.lo.rhab’dus. Gr. neut. n. thion sulfur; Gr. masc. n. hals, halos salt of the sea; Gr. fem. n. rhabdos rod, stick; N.L. fem. n. Thiohalorhabdus halophilic sulfur rod.
The genus Thiohalorhabdus was originally classified as a deep unaffiliated lineage within the Gammapr ...
Thi.o.ha.lo.spi’ra. Gr. neut. n. thion sulfur; Gr. masc. n. hals, halos salt of the sea; L. fem. n. spira spiral; N.L. fem. n. Thiohalospira salt-loving sulfur spiral. The genus Thiohalospira was originally classified as a member of the family Ectothiorhodospiraceae, order Chroma ...
The genomes of Thiohalobacter thiocyanaticus and Guyparkeria (formerly known as Halothiobacillus) sp. SCN-R1, two gammaproteobacterial halophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) capable of thiocyanate oxidation via the "cyanate pathway", have been analyzed with a particular focus ...
The genus Thioalkalivibrio includes haloalkaliphilic chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from various soda lakes worldwide. Some of these lakes possess in addition to their extreme haloalkaline environment also other harsh conditions, to which Thioalkalivibri ...
Soda lakes are saline alkaline lakes characterized by high concentrations of sodium carbonate/bicarbonate which lead to a stable elevated pH (>9), and moderate to extremely high salinity. Despite this combination of extreme conditions, biodiversity in soda lakes is high, and t ...
Background: The planetary sulfur cycle is a complex web of chemical reactions that can be microbial-mediated or can occur spontaneously in the environment, depending on the temperature and pH. Inorganic sulfur compounds can serve as energy sources for specialized prokaryotes and ...
Arsenic contamination of groundwater aquifers is an issue of global concern. Among the affected sites, in several Italian groundwater aquifers arsenic levels above the WHO limits for drinking water are present, with consequent issues of public concern. In this study, for the firs ...
Exposing a microbial community to alternating absence and presence of carbon substrate in aerobic conditions is an effective strategy for enrichment of storage polymers (polyhydroxybutyrate, PHB) producing microorganisms. In this work we investigate to which extent intermediate s ...
Background: Hypersaline soda lakes are characterized by extreme high soluble carbonate alkalinity. Despite the high pH and salt content, highly diverse microbial communities are known to be present in soda lake brines but the microbiome of soda lake sediments received much less a ...
Anaerobic syntrophic acetate oxidation (SAO) is a thermodynamically unfavorable process involving a syntrophic acetate oxidizing bacterium (SAOB) that forms interspecies electron carriers (IECs). These IECs are consumed by syntrophic partners, typically hydrogenotrophic methanoge ...
Dethiobacter alkaliphilus strain AHT1T is an anaerobic, sulfidogenic, moderately salt-tolerant alkaliphilic chemolithotroph isolated from hypersaline soda lake sediments in northeastern Mongolia. It is a Gram-positive bacterium with low GC content, within the phylum Fi ...
Thioalkalivibrio is a genus of obligate chemolithoautotrophic haloalkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Their habitat are soda lakes which are dual extreme environments with a pH range from 9.5 to 11 and salt concentrations up to saturation. More than 100 strains of this genus ...
Thiocyanate is a C1 compound containing carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. It is a (by)product in a number of natural and industrial processes. Because thiocyanate is toxic to many organisms, including humans, its removal from industrial waste streams is an important problem. Although ...