Pawel Roman
7 records found
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) has long been known to support anaerobic respiration in a few species of basically aerobic extremely halophilic euryarchaea living in hypersaline lakes. Recently, it has also been shown to be utilized as an additional electron acceptor in basically anaero
The genus Thioalkalivibrio comprises sulfur-oxidizing bacteria thriving in soda lakes at high pH and salinity. Depending on the geographical location and the season, these lakes can strongly vary in temperature. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of the molecular and physiol
This study provides important new insights on how to achieve high sulfur selectivities and stable gas biodesulfurization process operation in the presence of both methanethiol and H2S in the feed gas. On the basis of previous research, we hypothesized that a dual biore
Removal of organic and inorganic sulfur compounds from sour gases is required because of their toxicity and atmospheric pollution. The most common are hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methanethiol (MT). Under oxygen-limiting conditions about 92 mol% of sulfide is oxidized to
Hypersaline anoxic habitats harbour numerous novel uncultured archaea whose metabolic and ecological roles remain to be elucidated. Until recently, it was believed that energy generation via dissimilatory reduction of sulfur compounds is not functional at salt saturation conditio
A novel approach has been developed for the simultaneous description of reaction kinetics to describe the formation of polysulfide and sulfate anions from the biological oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) using a quick, sulfide-dependent respiration test. Next to H
After the first commercial applications of a new biological process for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from low pressure biogas, the need arose to broaden the operating window to also enable the removal of organosulfur compounds from high pressure sour gases. In