Laser diagnostic techniques such as Particle Image Velocimetry and Particle Tracking Velocimetry to measure the flow of a fluid around an object have been in prevalence for a few decades. Typically, the fluid, whose motion is of interest, is seeded with micron scale particles and
Laser diagnostic techniques such as Particle Image Velocimetry and Particle Tracking Velocimetry to measure the flow of a fluid around an object have been in prevalence for a few decades. Typically, the fluid, whose motion is of interest, is seeded with micron scale particles and illuminated with a laser. Due to scattering inefficiencies of these micron scale particles the maximum measurement volumes were about a few litres. Development of the neutrally buoyant sub-millimetre scale Helium-Filled Soap Bubbles allows for much larger scattering cross-sections thus enabling large-scale measurements in air (Caridi 2015).
Large scale Particle Tracking Velocimetry has been used to study the flow in the wake of a cyclist at typical time-trial speeds. A novel PTV algorithm known as Shake-The-Box (STB) (Schanz 2013) has been used to obtain the particle tracks from the images acquired in a thin volume in the cyclist’s wake using the wake-scanning method. The Lagrangian particle tracking technique was found to be more accurate than the Time Resolved Tomographic PIV through another experiment. Particularly for large field of views involving scanning at different positions, it produces whole-field results free from the boundary effects that arise between different positions of the scans. This yields accurate velocity components and their gradients that are crucial for pressure reconstruction.
Flow-field results from 4D-PTV show that the wake structure is similar to those found in the literature. Two large regions of momentum deficit are present, one behind the thighs and one near the lower legs and the wheel axis. Furthermore, they reveal the presence of some vortices which were not reported previously. Based on the observed signs of the vortices the points of origination of these vortices are identified based on separation mechanisms. There is a good agreement in the flow-field results with the literature. Pressure fields reconstructed from the velocity flow-field show low pressure pockets in the regions of the vortex cores and separated flow over the lower back.
Wake flow-field is utilised to compute the drag using the control volume approach (van Oudheusden 2007) and compared with the drag forces obtained from an external balance measurement to obtain the accuracy of large scale 4D-PTV. In total, five measurements at different velocities in the range of 13m/s to 15m/s are analysed. The accuracy of the drag estimates from 4D-PTV is obtained within 5%. Out of the three terms of the drag force, the momentum term contributes approximately 95% and the contribution from the pressure term is less than 0.3%. Rest is contributed by the Reynolds stresses in streamwise direction. Almost all the variation in the drag force comes from the momentum term.