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Menno Blaauw

100 records found

The k0-method (De Corte in The k0-standardization method: move to the optimization of neutron activation analysis. Habil. Thesis, Ghent University, Belgium, 1987) was developed solely for the use of (n, γ) nuclear reactions in neutron activation analysis. Fo ...

Artificial neural networks for NAA

Proof of concept on data analysed with k0-based software

Artificial intelligence methods such as artificial neural networks, Bayesian networks, genetic algorithms, and others, have shown great potential for application, not only as classification schemes, but also in numerical data analysis. In this work, we explore how, from a limited ...
In order to establish the variation between results in mass fractions due to software implementation, as measured by the k0-method for INAA, the IAEA has organized a software intercomparison. A complete set of test spectra and associated information was assembled. Effi ...
Low concentrations of elements in food can be measured with various techniques, mostly in small samples (mg). These techniques provide only reliable data when the element is distributed homogeneously in the material to be analysed either naturally or after a homogenisation proced ...
Molybdenum-99 is one of the most important radionuclides for medical diagnostics. In 2015, the International Atomic Energy Agency organized a round-robin exercise where the participants measured and calculated specific saturation activities achievable for the 98Mo(n,γ) ...
In gamma-ray spectrometry with high-resolution detectors, full-energy peaks are often to be detected by a peak-search algorithm, with a threshold for detection. Detection limits can be derived from this. Detection limits are often computed along with measured activities or concen ...