
A. van de Wiel

7 records found

As a safer alternative for the use of radioactive tracers, the enriched stable 58Fe isotope has been introduced in studies of iron metabolism. In this study this isotope is measured with instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in blood samples of patients with iron relate ...
Low concentrations of elements in food can be measured with various techniques, mostly in small samples (mg). These techniques provide only reliable data when the element is distributed homogeneously in the material to be analysed either naturally or after a homogenisation proced ...

De broze gele trui

Botstatus van wielrenners

Although cycling has positive health effects, including improvement of cardiovascular fitness, it does not have a favourable effect on bone health. In professional cyclists, the bone mineral density (BMD) will actually have decreased at the end of an intensive season. As a profes ...

A nuclear reactor

More than the producer of energy and radionuclides

Accurate assessments of the iron (Fe) intake from food is mandatory for mass balance studies. The reliability of such assessments is strongly dependent on the representativeness of the analytical test portion and, as such, the quality of the homogenization of the double portions ...
Iron deficiency anaemia is a major health problem worldwide, but may be complicated in underdeveloped nations by deficiencies of other micronutrients with consequences for adequate treatment. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2 billion people – over 30% of the wo ...

Severe Infections are Common in Thiamine Deficiency and May be Related to Cognitive Outcomes

A Cohort Study of 68 Patients With Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Background Wernicke encephalopathy can have different clinical outcomes. Although infections may precipitate the encephalopathy itself, it is unknown whether infections also modify the long-term outcome in patients developing Korsakoff syndrome. Objective To determine whether mar ...