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W. Kockelmann
Academic Work (15)
Journal article (14)
Poster (1)
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15 records found
Determination of phase compositions in ceramics from Gobi desert using complementary diffraction techniques
Journal article (2013) -
R. Gilles (author)
I.M. Siouris (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
D. Visser (author)
S. Katsavounis (author)
J.M. Walter (author)
M. Hoelzel (author)
M. Brunelli (author)
Tuning the phase transition by Si substitution in Mn1.25Fe0.70P1-xSix compounds
Poster (2013) -
Xue-fei Miao (author)
Xuefei Miao (author)
X. F. Miao (author)
X.F. Miao (author)
Xue Fei Miao (author)
XF Miao (author)
L. Caron (author)
Luana Caron (author)
P. Roy (author)
Huu Dung Nguyen (author)
H.D. Nguyen (author)
L. Zhang (author)
Lian Zhang (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
R Smith (author)
R.A. de Groot (author)
RA de Groot (author)
NH Dijk (author)
NH van Dijk (author)
NH Van Dijk (author)
N. H. Dijk (author)
N. H. van Dijk (author)
N. H. Van Dijk (author)
Niels Dijk (author)
Niels van Dijk (author)
Niels Van Dijk (author)
Niels Harmen H. Dijk (author)
Niels Harmen H. van Dijk (author)
Niels Harmen H. Van Dijk (author)
Niels van Dijk (author)
Niels van van Dijk (author)
Niels van Van Dijk (author)
N.H. Dijk (author)
N.H. van Dijk (author)
N.H. Van Dijk (author)
Niels H. Dijk (author)
Niels H. van Dijk (author)
Niels H. Van Dijk (author)
E.H. Brück (author)
E.H. Bruck (author)
EH Brück (author)
EH Bruck (author)
E. Brück (author)
E. Bruck (author)
Ekkes Brück (author)
Ekkes Bruck (author)
E. H. Brück (author)
E. H. Bruck (author)
The metal compositions of a series of Geistingen-type socketed axes
Journal article (2011) -
H. Postma (author)
P Schillebeeckx (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
New insights into alloy compositions: studying Renaissance bronze statuettes by combined neutron imaging and neutron diffraction techniques
Journal article (2011) -
R.J.C.H.M. van Langh (author)
J James (author)
G Burca (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
SY Zhang (author)
E Lehman (author)
M Estermann (author)
A Pappot (author)
A new bridge technique for neutron tomography and diffraction measurements
Journal article (2011) -
G Burca (author)
J James (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
M. Fitzpatrick (author)
SY Zhang (author)
J Hovind (author)
R.J.C.H.M. van Langh (author)
A detector system for neutron Resonance Capture Imaging
Journal article (2010) -
E Perelli Cippo (author)
A Borella (author)
R. Wynants (author)
G Gorini (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
A Pietropaolo (author)
H. Postma (author)
NJ Rhodes (author)
P Schillebeeckx (author)
EM Schooneveld (author)
M Tardocchi (author)
Non-destructive bulk analysis of the Buggenum sword by neutron resonance capture analysis and neutron diffraction
Journal article (2010) -
H. Postma (author)
L Amkreutz (author)
L. Amkreutz (author)
A Borella (author)
MC Clarijs (author)
H Kamermans (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
A Paradowska (author)
P Schillebeeckx (author)
D Visser (author)
A new position-sensitive transmission detector for epithermal neutron imaging
Journal article (2009) -
EM Schooneveld (author)
M Tardocchi (author)
G Gorini (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
T. Nakamura (author)
E Perelli Cippo (author)
H. Postma (author)
N Rhodes (author)
P Schillebeeckx (author)
Non-destructive bulk analysis of the Buggenum sword by neutron resonance capture analysis and neutron diffraction
Journal article (2009) -
H. Postma (author)
L Amkreutz (author)
L. Amkreutz (author)
A Borella (author)
MC Clarijs (author)
H Kamermans (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
A Paradowska (author)
P Schillebeeckx (author)
D Visser (author)
Neutron diffractometer INES for quantitative phase analysis of archaeological objects
Journal article (2008) -
S Imberti (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
H. Postma (author)
M Celli (author)
F Grazzi (author)
F. Grazzi (author)
M Zoppi (author)
A Botti (author)
A Sodo (author)
ML Imperiale (author)
M de Vries-Melein (author)
D Visser (author)
Neutron resonance capture and neutron diffraction analysis of Roman bronze water taps
Journal article (2008) -
P.A.C. schut (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
H. Postma (author)
D Visser (author)
P Schillebeeckx (author)
The TiCl3 catalyst in NaAlH4 for hydrogen storage induces grain refinement and impacts on hydrogen vacancy formation
Journal article (2007) -
S Singh (author)
Stephan W.H. Eijt (author)
S. W H Eijt (author)
S. W.H. Eijt (author)
Stephan W H Eijt (author)
Stephan W. H. Eijt (author)
SWH Eijt (author)
Stephan Eijt (author)
S.W.H. Eijt (author)
Jacques Huot (author)
J Huot (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
M. Wagemaker (author)
Marnix Wagemaker (author)
M Wagemaker (author)
F. M. Mulder (author)
Fokko M. Mulder (author)
F.M. Mulder (author)
Fokko Mulder (author)
FM Mulder (author)
Combined prompt gamma activation and neutron diffraction analyses of historic metal objects and limestone samples
Journal article (2007) -
Zs Kasztovzy (author)
D Visser (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
E Pantos (author)
A Brown (author)
M. Blaauw (author)
Menno Blaauw (author)
P Hallebeek (author)
J Veerkamp (author)
W Krook (author)
HM Stuchfield (author)
An archaeometallurgical study of two harquebusier breastplates using time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Journal article (2006) -
S Leever (author)
D Visser (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
Joris Dik (author)
J Dik (author)
J. Dik (author)