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R Smith
Academic Work (9)
Journal article (8)
Poster (1)
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9 records found
Tuning the phase transition by Si substitution in Mn1.25Fe0.70P1-xSix compounds
Poster (2013) -
Xue-fei Miao (author)
Xuefei Miao (author)
X. F. Miao (author)
X.F. Miao (author)
Xue Fei Miao (author)
XF Miao (author)
L. Caron (author)
Luana Caron (author)
P. Roy (author)
Huu Dung Nguyen (author)
H.D. Nguyen (author)
L. Zhang (author)
Lian Zhang (author)
W. Kockelmann (author)
R Smith (author)
R.A. de Groot (author)
RA de Groot (author)
NH Dijk (author)
NH van Dijk (author)
NH Van Dijk (author)
N. H. Dijk (author)
N. H. van Dijk (author)
N. H. Van Dijk (author)
Niels Dijk (author)
Niels van Dijk (author)
Niels Van Dijk (author)
Niels Harmen H. Dijk (author)
Niels Harmen H. van Dijk (author)
Niels Harmen H. Van Dijk (author)
Niels van Dijk (author)
Niels van van Dijk (author)
Niels van Van Dijk (author)
N.H. Dijk (author)
N.H. van Dijk (author)
N.H. Van Dijk (author)
Niels H. Dijk (author)
Niels H. van Dijk (author)
Niels H. Van Dijk (author)
E.H. Brück (author)
E.H. Bruck (author)
EH Brück (author)
EH Bruck (author)
E. Brück (author)
E. Bruck (author)
Ekkes Brück (author)
Ekkes Bruck (author)
E. H. Brück (author)
E. H. Bruck (author)
Estimation and reduction of CO2 emissions from crude oil distillation units
Journal article (2006) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
Z Olujic (author)
Z. Olujic (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)
Reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption of heat-integrated distillation systems
Journal article (2005) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
Z Olujic (author)
Z. Olujic (author)
PJ Jansens (author)
Peter J. Jansens (author)
PJ Jansens (author)
Peter J. Jansens (author)
M Robson (author)
R Smith (author)
Shortcut models for retrofit design of distillation columns
Journal article (2004) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)
Optimization of excisting heat-integrated refinery distillation systems
Journal article (2004) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)
Reducing CO2 Emissions in Heat Integrated Distillation Systems
Journal article (2004) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
Z Olujic (author)
Z. Olujic (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)
PJ Jansens (author)
Peter J. Jansens (author)
PJ Jansens (author)
Peter J. Jansens (author)
Increase Capacity and Decrease Energy for Existing Refinery Distillation Columns
Journal article (2004) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)
Shortcut models for retrofit design of distillation columns.
Journal article (2003) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)
Increase capacity and decrease energy for existing refinery distillation columns.
Journal article (2003) -
MA Gadalla (author)
MA Gadalla (author)
M. Jobson (author)
R Smith (author)