N. Saikumar
31 records found
Lead halide perovskites have attracted significant attention for their wide-ranging applications in optoelectronic devices. A ubiquitous element in these applications is that charging of the perovskite is involved, which can trigger electrochemical degradation reactions. Understa
The authors regret for the typographical error in Eq. (13) and provide the corrected version below: The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.@en
The ever-increasing industry desire for improved performance makes linear controller design run into fundamental limitations. Nonlinear control methods such as Reset Control (RC) are needed to overcome these. RC is a promising candidate since, unlike other nonlinear methods, it e
This article addresses nonlinearity in reset elements and its effects. Reset elements are known for having less phase lag based on describing function (DF) analysis compared to their linear counterparts; however, they are nonlinear elements and produce higher-order harmonics. Thi
This article introduces a closed-loop frequency analysis tool for reset control systems. To begin with sufficient conditions for the existence of the steady-state response for a closed-loop system with a reset element and driven by periodic references are provided. It is then sho
Air-based contactless wafer precision positioning system
Contactless sensing using charge coupled devices
This paper presents the development of a contactless sensing system and the dynamic evaluation of an air-bearing based precision wafer positioning system. The contactless positioning stage is a response to the trend seen in the high-tech industry, where the substrates are becomin
Loop-shaping for reset control systems
A higher-order sinusoidal-input describing functions approach
The ever-growing demands on speed and precision from the precision motion industry have pushed control requirements to reach the limitations of linear control theory. Nonlinear controllers like reset provide a viable alternative since they can be easily integrated into the existi
Augmented fractional-order reset control
Application in precision mechatronics
Linear control such as PID possesses fundamental limitations, seen through the Waterbed effect. Reset control has been found to be able to overcome these limitations, while still maintaining the simplicity and ease of use of PID control due to its compatibility with the loop shap
This paper presents a novel adaptive feedforward controller design for reset control systems. The combination of feedforward and reset feedback control promises high performance as the feedforward guarantees reference tracking, while the non-linear feedback element rejects distur
Reset control is known to be able to outperform PID and the like linear controllers. However, in motion control systems, quantization can cause severe performance degradation. This paper shows the application of time regularization to mitigate this practical issue in reset contro
Reset control has emerged as a viable alternative to popular PID, capable of outperforming and overcoming the linear limitations. However, in motion control systems, quantization can cause severe performance degradation. This paper investigates this degradation in practical syste
This paper proposes a fractional-order reset element whose architecture allows for the suppression of nonlinear effects for a range of frequencies. Suppressing the nonlinear effects of a reset element for the desired frequency range while maintaining it for the rest is beneficial
This paper presents the development of a contactless sensing system and the dynamic evaluation of an air-bearing-based precision wafer positioning system. The contactless positioning stage is a response to the trend seen in the high-tech industry, where the substrates are becomin
Currently, the demand for a better alternative to linear PID controllers is increasing due to the rising expectations of the high-tech industry. In literature, it has been shown that Constant in gain Lead in phase (CgLp) compensators, which are a type of reset element, have high
Due to development of technology, linear controllers cannot satisfy requirements of high-tech industry. One solution is using nonlinear controllers such as reset elements to overcome this big barrier. In literature, the Constant in gain Lead in phase (CgLp) compensator is a novel
PID controllers cannot satisfy the high-performance requirements since they are restricted by the water-bed effect. Thus, the need for a better alternative to linear PID controllers increases due to the rising demands of the high-tech industry. This has led many researchers to ex
Tuning of CgLp based reset controllers
Application in precision positioning systems
This paper presents the tuning of a reset-based element called “Constant in gain and Lead in phase” (CgLp) in order to achieve desired precision performance in tracking and steady state. CgLp has been recently introduced to overcome the inherent linear control limitation - the wa
This paper addresses a phenomenon caused by resetting only one of the two states of a so-called second order 'Constant in gain Lead in phase' (CgLp) element. CgLp is a recently introduced reset-based nonlinear element, bound to circumvent the well-known linear control limitation
The high tech industry which requires fast stable motion with nanometer precision continues to mainly use PID which is limited by fundamental linear control limitations. Floor vibrations as disturbance significantly affect performance and their rejection is particularly affected
This paper presents a complex order filter developed and subsequently integrated into a PID-based controller design. The nonlinear filter is designed with reset elements to have describing function based frequency response similar to that of a linear (practically non-implementabl