N. Saikumar

54 records found


This paper presents a complex order filter developed and subsequently integrated into a PID-based controller design. The nonlinear filter is designed with reset elements to have describing function based frequency response similar to that of a linear (practically non-implement ...

This paper presents a novel 'Constant in gain Lead in phase' (CgLp) element using nonlinear reset technique. PID is the industrial workhorse even to this day in high-tech precision positioning applications. However, Bode's gain phase relationship and waterbed effect fundamenta ...

A controller with the frequency response of a complex order derivative may have a gain that decreases with frequency, while the phase increases. This behaviour may be desirable to ensure simultaneous rejection of high-frequency noise and robustness to variations of the open-lo ...

The high tech industry which requires fast stable motion with nanometer precision continues to mainly use PID which is limited by fundamental linear control limitations. Floor vibrations as disturbance significantly affect performance and their rejection is particularly affect ...

This chapter deals with the design of both integer and fractional-order controllers for precision mechatronic systems. System performance and robustness analysis in the frequency domain is studied using closed-loop sensitivity functions. Controller design along with rules of t ...

In this paper, a framework for the combination of robust fractional-order CRONE control with nonlinear reset is given for both first and second generation CRONE control. General design rules are derived and presented for these CRONE reset controllers. Within this framework, fract ...

A novel toolbox named FLOreS is presented for intuitive design of fractional order controllers (FOC) using industry standard loop shaping technique. This will allow control engineers to use frequency response data (FRD) of the plant to design FOCs by shaping the open loop to m ...

No more differentiator in PID

Development of nonlinear lead for precision mechatronics

Industrial PID consists of three elements: Lag (integrator), Lead (Differentiator) and Low Pass Filters (LPF). PID being a linear control method is inherently bounded by the waterbed effect due to which there exists a trade-off between precision tracking, provided by Lag and L ...

Experience mapping based predictive controller (EMPC) is a recently developed controller based on the concepts of Human Motor Control. It has been demonstrated to out-perform other classical controllers like proportional-derivative (PD), model reference based adaptive controller ...

Today, fractional order proportional integration derivative (FO-PID) controllers have attracted much attention from academia and industry. Despite FO-PID controllers outperforming integer order (IO) ones in many cases, the latter continues to dominate industrial utilization. O ...

Beyond the waterbed effect

Development of fractional order CRONE control with non-linear reset

In this paper a novel reset control synthesis method is proposed: CRONE reset control, combining a robust fractional CRONE controller with non-linear reset control to overcome waterbed effect. In CRONE control, robustness is achieved by creation of constant phase behaviour aro ...

This paper presents and studies the novel Generalized Fractional Order Reset Element (GFrORE). Fractional order filter realizations which enable control over the Q-factor of the filter is studied. Subsequently, the concept of reset in control system is applied to fractional order ...


The high-tech industry is pushing the motion system technology towards faster, more precise and more robust system. One of the keys to this growing demand is the advancement of motion control. To this day, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) has been the workhorse for the indu ...
Floor vibrations are a common problem in high tech engineering where good tracking, precision and bandwidth have utmost importance. They are mainly present at low frequencies, and they need to be suppressed. PID control is the go-to controller in the industry because of its ease ...
Reset controllers can outperform PID controllers and may introduce phase advantage compared to linear PID control. However, in general, reset controllers do not have the same steady state properties as linear controllers, like removing steady state errors. In case of model mismat ...

Frequency analysis of reset systems containing a Clegg integrator

An introduction to higher order sinusoidal input describing functions

PID is the most popular controller in the industry. PID controllers are linear, and thus have fundamental limitations, such that certain performance criteria cannot be achieved. To overcome these limitations, nonlinear reset control can be used. Reset control can achieve less ove ...

Development of a low-cost computer vision sensor for precision positioning systems

Exploring the limits of computer vision sensors in precision systems

Computer vision has been on the rise over the last decades. The applications of computer vision are mostly found within the domain of robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle's. The use of computer visions in precision industry is new and offers both opportunities and challenges. In ...
In high-tech industry (sub)nanometre precision motion control is essential. For example wafer scanners, used for production of integrated circuits, have to provide (sub)nanometre precision positioning whilst satisfying challenging requirements on speed at the same time. It is in ...
PID is the most commonly used technique in industrial motion control. It consists of three components - lead, lag and low pass filter (LPF). PID, being a linear control method is inherently bounded by waterbed effect due to which there exists a trade-off between precision, tracki ...
A new concept was developed to improve current airpot designs for vibration isolation solutions. The concept is based on an additional piston, or add-on, with certain characteristics, that is to be incorporated into an existing airpot-design. The effect of this add-on will passiv ...