T. Fiebig

21 records found

"Oh yes! over-preparing for meetings is my jam :)"

The Gendered Experiences of System Administrators

In the system and network administration domain, gender diversity remains a distant target. The experiences and perspectives of sysadmins who belong to marginalized genders (non cis-men) are not well understood beyond the fact that sysadmin work environments are generally not equ ...

Pushing boundaries

An empirical view on the digital sovereignty of six governments in the midst of geopolitical tensions

In just a few years, the issue of “digital sovereignty” has emerged as an important security issue for governments across the globe, reflecting a growing unease about the security risks associated with government services that depend on foreign service providers for digital infra ...
With the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 necessitating working from home, corporate Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become an important item securing the continued operation of companies around the globe. However, due to their different use case, corporate VPNs ...

SoK: A framework for asset discovery

Systematizing advances in network measurements for protecting organizations

Asset discovery is fundamental to any organization's cybersecurity efforts. Indeed, one must accurately know which assets belong to an IT infrastructure before the infrastructure can be secured. While practitioners typically rely on a relatively small set of well-known techniques ...
Security misconfigurations and neglected updates commonly lead to systems being vulnerable. Especially in the context of websites, we often find pages that were forgotten, that is, they were left online after they served their purpose and never updated thereafter. In this paper, ...

TXTing 101

Finding Security Issues in the Long Tail of DNS TXT Records

The DNS TXT resource record is the one with the most flexibility for its contents, as it is a largely unstructured. Although it might be the ideal basis for storing any form of text-based information, it also poses a security threat, as TXT records can also be used for malicious ...

How to stop crashing more than twice

A Clean-Slate Governance Approach to IT Security

"Moving fast, and breaking things", instead of "being safe and secure", is the credo of the IT industry. However, if we look at the wide societal impact of IT security incidents in the past years, it seems like it is no longer sustainable. Just like in the case of Equifax, people ...
We outline possible approaches to cybersecurity governance and compare them against the proposed European Union network of competence centers. We survey stakeholders for their opinions about the centers and analyze the results.@en
Network protocols define how networked computer systems exchange data. As they define all aspects of this communication, the way they are designed is also security sensitive. If communication is supposed to be encrypted, this has to be outlined in the protocol’s specification. If ...
Nowadays, security incidents have become a familiar “nuisance,” and they regularly lead to the exposure of private and sensitive data. The root causes for such incidents are rarely complex attacks. Instead, the attacks are straight-forward, and they are enabled by simple misconfi ...

In rDNS We Trust

Revisiting a Common Data-Source’s Reliability

Reverse DNS (rDNS) is regularly used as a data source in Internet measurement research. However, existing work is polarized on its reliability, and new techniques to collect active IPv6 datasets have not yet been sufficiently evaluated. In this paper, we investigate active and pa ...
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and more generallythe “cloud,” like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or MicrosoftAzure, have changed the landscape of system operations on theInternet. Their elasticity allows operators to rapidly allocate anduse resources as needed, from virtual mach ...
Virtual switches are a crucial component of SDN-based cloud systems, enabling the interconnection of virtual machines in a flexible and “software-defined” manner. This paper raises the alarm on the security implications of virtual switches. In particular, we show that virtual swi ...
Security research has made extensive use of exhaustive Internet-wide scans over the recent years, as they can provide significant insights into the overall state of security of the Internet, and ZMap made scanning the entire IPv4 address space practical. However, the IPv4 address ...
Current large-scale IPv6 studies mostly rely on non-public datasets, asmost public datasets are domain specific. For instance, traceroute-based datasetsare biased toward network equipment. In this paper, we present a new methodologyto collect IPv6 address datasets that does not r ...
Virtual switches are a crucial component of cloud operating systems that interconnect virtual machines in a flexible manner. They implement complex network protocol parsing in the unified packet parser - parsing all supported packet header fields in a single pass - and are common ...
Along with the significant growth in the popularity of smartphones and the number of available mobile applications, the amount of threats that harm users or compromise their privacy has dramatically increased. The mobile security research community constantly uncovers new threats ...
Nearly every modern mobile device includes two cameras. With advances in technology the resolution of these sensors has constantly increased. While this development provides great convenience for users, for example with video-telephony or as dedicated camera replacement, the secu ...