Christopher Kruegel

6 records found


In rDNS We Trust

Revisiting a Common Data-Source’s Reliability

Reverse DNS (rDNS) is regularly used as a data source in Internet measurement research. However, existing work is polarized on its reliability, and new techniques to collect active IPv6 datasets have not yet been sufficiently evaluated. In this paper, we investigate active and pa ...
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), and more generallythe “cloud,” like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or MicrosoftAzure, have changed the landscape of system operations on theInternet. Their elasticity allows operators to rapidly allocate anduse resources as needed, from virtual mach ...
Current large-scale IPv6 studies mostly rely on non-public datasets, asmost public datasets are domain specific. For instance, traceroute-based datasetsare biased toward network equipment. In this paper, we present a new methodologyto collect IPv6 address datasets that does not r ...