Florian Streibelt

3 records found


DNS is one of the core building blocks of the Internet. In this paper, we investigate DNS resolution in a strict IPv6-only scenario and find that a substantial fraction of zones cannot be resolved. We point out, that the presence of an AAAA resource record for a zone’s nameserver ...

Back-to-the-Future Whois

An IP Address Attribution Service for Working with Historic Datasets

Researchers and practitioners often face the issue of having to attribute an IP address to an organization. For current data this is comparably easy, using services like whois or other databases. Similarly, for historic data, several entities like the RIPE NCC provide websites th ...
Network protocols define how networked computer systems exchange data. As they define all aspects of this communication, the way they are designed is also security sensitive. If communication is supposed to be encrypted, this has to be outlined in the protocol’s specification. If ...