M. Novas Ferradás

50 records found


Shëmti and feísmo are the two names given respectively in the Albanian and Galician languages to stigmatize this unruly built environment: It is considered a material expression of both constructed and internalized myth of being the underdeveloped peoples in the European peripher ...

Pioneers in Dutch Architecture

The role of women in post-war housing innovations in the Netherlands

This article approaches post-war housing innovation in the Netherlands from a feminist perspective, shedding light on the hitherto unkown roles played by women architects. It introduces the work of Dutch women architects, some of it acknowledged at the time of its creation, some ...

Lendo medianeiras: o eloxio dos coidados

Un ensaio sobre a arquitectura como soporte para a representación simbólica do traballo das mulleres galegas

Non se trata dunha práctica inocente, existen maneiras de mirar. De xeito consciente e inconsciente, non vemos, senón que lemos a linguaxe das imaxes. As mesmas que dende tempos remotos coquetean na definición dos estándares do xénero e a sexualidade.@en

El feminismo y la producción de espacios para la vida

Sobre la jerarquía de valores en la arquitectura, el urbanismo y la ordenación del territorio

El hecho de vivir tiempos que nos entregan a la idolatría tecnológica y su aparente neutralidad, no nos impide advertir que el espacio construido tiene una dimensión cultural. Y esto es de lo poco que sí constituye una realidad objetiva — entendida como aquella que es independien ...

Galician Female Architects

A Critical Approach to Inequality in the Architectural Profession (1931–1986)

TThe remoteness of Galicia, a cultural and linguistic bridge between Portugal and Spain, did not prevent it from playing a significant role in the history of female architects in the Iberian Peninsula. Nine Galician pioneers have carved the path since the first generation of Span ...
Recent global events have highlighted a special emphasis on an awareness for women’s rights situation worldwide. A renewed critical reflection claims a place in all fields of knowledge regarding fundamental human rights, and so in architecture and related disciplines. There are d ...

Commemorative Urban Practices and Gender Equality

The Case of Santiago de Compostela's Urban Anthroponymy

For centuries, decision-making procedures in commemorative urban practices have established a methodology of recognition relying on an androcentric process which has implied exclusion mechanisms. Structures of economic and dominating cultural power favoured the interests of a pri ...

Arquitectura e [Ciber]feminismo

Unha intersección coa socioloxía e o xénero

To make architecture supposes giving meaning, it is a political action; it has a social dimension. The social understanding of architectonic production means tackling the study of social groups in relation to discipline. In an inequality context, identifying cultural bias becomes ...


Docile Bodies

Romanian Communist domesticities and Socialist Women in Berceni (1977-1989)

The research proposes a dialectical re-reading of the Romanian Communist housing as a gendered control mechanism. Therefore, the thesis concentrates on Berceni neighbourhood between 1977 and 1989 as a case study for a larger urban phenomenon under the late Romanian Communist Regi ...

Guidelines for Humanitarian Architectural Shifting Priorities

Evolution & limitations of UNHR guidelines for improved refugee shelter following the 1993 FIWISRER

In the 1990s in the field of philanthropy by design there is a rise of two intertwined desires. First, a desire by architects to manifest their socio-political commitment in the problem-solving potential of architecture. Second, a desire by the humanitarian field to manifest its ...

The end of an era, start of new beginnings

The legacy of the Women’s Studies section at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft (1978-1998)

This thesis focuses on the Women’s Studies section at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft, active from 1978 to 1998. The initial goal of the section was to contribute to the elimination of women's oppression by expanding the knowledge of this social reality. The emergence of the ...
The present volume MORE: Expanding Architecture from a Gender-Based Perspective. III International Conference on Gender and Architecture Proceedings collects the papers, lectures, video-essays and workshops presented during a three-day-session (26th to 28th January 2017) which to ...

Designing for the women of the Begijnhof in Amsterdam

Understanding the architectural settings and the needs of the Beguinages of the Begijnhof in Amsterdam, during the Middle Ages, Reformation and contemporary period

The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the origin, history, and the architectural setting of the Begijnhof in Amsterdam throughout significant periods of change, the Middle Ages, the Reformation and the contemporary era. The combination of these aspects depicts the architectura ...