M. Novas Ferradás

25 records found

We, all feminist architects and researchers - Amelia Vilaplana, the architectural studio Equal Saree, María Novas and Serafina Amoroso - met during the seminars held in Lisbon in 2015 on the theme Matrices, organized by Patricia Santos Pedrosa. This congress aimed to continue the ...

Transferring Otherwise

Building Feminist Knowledge in Architecture

The Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, the Dutch museum for architecture, design, and digital cultures, is actively working to bring overlooked actors and forgotten stories into the discourse. The focus is on examining the role archives play in shaping urban history and challenging i ...
In the first quarter of the 21st century, we are facing the profound impact of overexploitation of the Earth and the consolidation of a globalized capitalism with deep colonial and patriarchal roots. Two major challenges converge at this crucial point: the climate crisis and grow ...
In the 1950s, married women in the Netherlands were assimilated into the fixed ideal of heteronormative family and traditional family housing standards which were the norm; single women were not. Single women represented not only a separate category in post-Second World War socie ...

Gestión feminista del hábitat

Reflexiones desde la piel doméstica al desafío de la existencia

More than half the picture

Challenges at the encounter of feminism and architectural history

Historically, the work of white Western male architects has dominated architectural history education. In recent decades a large body of scholarship has attempted to critically question this, highlighting and subverting mainstream disciplinary values, which are informed by gender ...
This article contributes to shedding light, documenting, and disseminating a pioneer event that has not been part of the recorded history of urban planning. In 1991, two feminist engineers working at the City of Vienna’s Urban Planning Office organized a ground-breaking exhibitio ...

Visões insurgentes sobre os territórios

Investigações feministas na pandemia

A proposta tem como objetivo apresentar trabalhos no contexto de pandemia, com intuito de debater perspectivas de investigação feminista e de vivências distintas das mulheres em seus territórios urbanos. Busca-se evidenciar como no contexto da pandemia tem sido fundamental dar lu ...
The process of identifying, interpreting, and implementing societal values in university education is an essential part of responsible innovation and designing for equitable, inclusive, and sustainable societies. While there is now a well-defined and growing body of research on t ...

Pioneers in Model Home Exhibitions

The Women Advisory Committee in Rotterdam in the 1950s

In the post-WWII period in the Netherlands, a women’s organization set the agenda for improving the quality of social housing projects. Through bureaucratic procedures, the Vrouwen Adviescommissie (VAC, Women Advisory Committee) managed to open up a path for women’s interventions ...
Shëmti and feísmo are the two names given respectively in the Albanian and Galician languages to stigmatize this unruly built environment: It is considered a material expression of both constructed and internalized myth of being the underdeveloped peoples in the European peripher ...

Pioneers in Dutch Architecture

The role of women in post-war housing innovations in the Netherlands

This article approaches post-war housing innovation in the Netherlands from a feminist perspective, shedding light on the hitherto unkown roles played by women architects. It introduces the work of Dutch women architects, some of it acknowledged at the time of its creation, some ...

Lendo medianeiras: o eloxio dos coidados

Un ensaio sobre a arquitectura como soporte para a representación simbólica do traballo das mulleres galegas

Non se trata dunha práctica inocente, existen maneiras de mirar. De xeito consciente e inconsciente, non vemos, senón que lemos a linguaxe das imaxes. As mesmas que dende tempos remotos coquetean na definición dos estándares do xénero e a sexualidade.@en

Galician Female Architects

A Critical Approach to Inequality in the Architectural Profession (1931–1986)

TThe remoteness of Galicia, a cultural and linguistic bridge between Portugal and Spain, did not prevent it from playing a significant role in the history of female architects in the Iberian Peninsula. Nine Galician pioneers have carved the path since the first generation of Span ...