We, all feminist architects and researchers - Amelia Vilaplana, the architectural studio Equal Saree, María Novas and Serafina Amoroso - met during the seminars held in Lisbon in 2015 on the theme Matrices, organized by Patricia Santos Pedrosa. This congress aimed to continue the
We, all feminist architects and researchers - Amelia Vilaplana, the architectural studio Equal Saree, María Novas and Serafina Amoroso - met during the seminars held in Lisbon in 2015 on the theme Matrices, organized by Patricia Santos Pedrosa. This congress aimed to continue the symposium ArquitectAs. Redefining the Profession, which took place in Seville in 2014 and was organized by Nuria Álvarez Lombardero. Based on what we learned from these two events, it seemed important to us to continue the congress in order to both reinforce the work developed in previous editions and attempt to open the debate in a transdisciplinary manner, inviting contributions that could enrich the discussion from fields outside academia. This also included highlighting participatory practices and urban experiences carried out by or in collaboration with public administrations, among others.@en