L.C. Tummers-Mueller

71 records found

Pioneers in Dutch Architecture

The role of women in post-war housing innovations in the Netherlands

This article approaches post-war housing innovation in the Netherlands from a feminist perspective, shedding light on the hitherto unkown roles played by women architects. It introduces the work of Dutch women architects, some of it acknowledged at the time of its creation, some ...

Beyond Gender Mainstreaming Planning Cultures

Why ‘Engendering Planning’ needs critical feminist theory

Contribution to the special issue "Urban and regional spaces".@en
This chapter offers a critical reflection on the implementation of gender-aware urbanism in European cities and regions. Building on the evaluations of local projects (such as, for example, Schröder and Zibell, 2004), we look into the frictions in urbanism’s response to gender ma ...

Collaborative Housing

Resident and professional roles

New forms of self-organised housing are emerging in numerous locations around the globe, particularly in locations where regulated housing markets and state-provision for vulnerable households are affected by budget cuts and urban speculation, leaving the middle class at the urba ...

Beyond wishful thinking

A FPE perspective on commoning, care,and the promise of co-housing

Co-housing has re-emerged in affluent cities as a model of dwelling that aims to reduce ecological impact and increase social welfare. Although it is the subject of growing academic interest, there are significant gaps in knowledge and a tendency toward wishful thinking about its ...
Dutch policies aiming to give future residents more influence and promote homeownership do not seem to achieve targets. However, the statistics do not do justice to emerging ‘hybrid’ forms of resident-led and collaborative housing@en
ver bouwen in eigen beheer wordt verschillend gedacht. Enerzijds worden co-huisvestingsinitiatieven verwelkomd als pioniers in gebiedsontwikkeling, anderzijds wordt gevreesd voor het ‘gated community’ effect. Maar hoe duurzaam is bouwen in eigen beheer? Zijn bewoners voorlopers o ...

Co-housing design

New qualities through new housing collaborations?

Co-housing initiatives are currently on the rise in most European countries. CohousingCo-housing advocates inclusiveness and sustainability and points the way to new models of design as well as of co-creation processes. This contribution explores the spatial criteria used to matc ...

Ms Everywoman no longer exists

Knowledge transfer between planning practice and gender-science

Mapping the knowledge transfer between feminist planning practice and gender-studies in NL. Pre-research for a project on cultural heritage with National Architecture Archive NL.@en
Residents are often the driving forces behind the application of low-impact building materials and low-energy utilities, based on an integrated understanding of sustainability as well as self-interest: costs of housing are calculated in the projects as a sum of rent/purchase per ...
Gender Mainstreaming addresses the relations between different genders, aiming to reduce inequalities and create equal opportunities. However in urbanism practice, ‘gender mainstreaming’ is often understood as ‘treating women as specific target group’. For a successful implementa ...
The pressures of climate change, energy transition, the financial crisis and retreating governments, call for a reintroduction of the subsurface into spatial planning. Most urban technological infrastructure, including load-bearing capacity, heat and water, is located in the subs ...

Co- housing

A double shift in roles?

Co-housing implies a double shift in roles : first, energy consumers also becoming producers, second, breaking with household stereotypes and gender roles in sharing and exchanging domestic tasks. The chapter argues that for adequate response to climate change, both need to be ta ...

Learning from co-housing initiatives

Between Passivhaus engineers and active inhabitants

Following the UN world summits on Climate Change (Paris 2015) and Habitat (Quito 2016), most European cities assume an active role to implement internationally agreed goals related to climate change, translated in the so-called New Urban Agenda. At the same time, the urban housin ...

Energy transition and co-housing

Opportunities for collaborative self-management

This research looks at two developments in contemporary Europe: on the one hand the transition towards renewable energy with decentralised sources; on the other the increase of grass-root initiatives for collaborative housing (co-housing). Co-housing is the overall term for group ...
This article reviews a decade of co-housing studies and publications, to identify major themes and research gaps. Generally, co-housing is seen as a promising model for urban development, and most empirical case studies report active and diverse communities, creating and maintain ...

Better Half of Bangalore

Improving spatial conditions for women working in blue- and white-collar industry

In the case of a relatively traditional society like India, on the one hand gender roles are strongly enforced, while on the other hand the continuous feminization of the workforce has been a result of the liberalization of global policies in the early 90’s. The still present bin ...
Across Europe, the number of co-housing initiatives is growing, and they are increasingly receiving attention from administrators and professionals who hold high expectations for urban liveability. Is co-housing a marginal idealist phenomenon, or the urban middle class’ answer to ...