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Logistics for Society
Het belang en de rol van logistiek voor een vitale en duurzame samenleving
Dit position paper beschrijft de visie van het landelijk Centre of Expertise
KennisDC Logistiek op het belang en de rol van logistiek voor een vitale en
duurzame samenleving. Daarbij wordt expliciet aandacht besteed aan de rol van
logistiek in het licht van de grot ...
KennisDC Logistiek op het belang en de rol van logistiek voor een vitale en
duurzame samenleving. Daarbij wordt expliciet aandacht besteed aan de rol van
logistiek in het licht van de grot ...
The Zero-Emission City Logistics Maturity model
What do inner city SMEs know about planned zero-emission zones
This paper delves into the zero-emission city logistics readiness of businesses located in the earmarked Dutch inner cities, which are gearing up towards decreasing the emissions attributable to urban logistics activities. Emission reduction is to be achieved by rolling out manda
This chapter introduces the main innovations in computing technology that affect logistics systems. It provides an exploration of how these technologies individually or collectively seep into system innovations, creating increased logistics value. The chapter presents an identifi
With the approach of the zero-emission zone implementation in 30-40 cities mandated by the Dutch climate agreement in 2025, comes the need to determine whether the SMEs located within these zones are aware of the coming changes. The zero emission zones are set to change how city
Municipalities play an important role in tackling city logistics related matters, having many instruments at hand. However, it is not self-evident that all municipalities use these instruments to their full potential. A method to measure city logistics performance of municipaliti
Research finds that the global market value of cargo bikes will hit 2.4 billion
euros by 2031. Analysts with Future Market Insights assessing the growth
of cargo bikes have placed the parcel courier industry as a key buyer of
electric cargo bikes, forecasting that 43 per cent of
On the cost elasticity of inter-regional distribution structures
A case study for the Netherlands
Several studies show that logistics facilities have spread spatially from relatively concentrated clusters in the 1970s to geographically more decentralized patterns away from urban areas. The literature indicates that logistics costs are one of the major influences on changes in
Running an urban consolidation centre
Binnenstadservice 10 years back and forth
Urban consolidation centres (UCCs) have been discussed over many years in the city logistics literature. The amount of successful UCCs in the long run were, and are, very scarce, though. Little is published on the practical issues and experiences of running a UCC and offering UCC
Urban consolidation centres (UCCs) have been discussed over many years in city logistics literature. The amount of successful UCCs in the long-run were, and are, very scarce, though. Little is published on the practical issues and experiences of actually running a UCC and offerin
Expertgroep City Distribution
De toekomst is dichterbij dan je denkt
1. Een Urban Consolidation Centre (UCC) maakt het mogelijk om de stad zero-emissie te beleveren en zorgt ervoor dat goederen gebundeld de stad in gaan. Met als doel het minder belasten van klimaat, gezondheid van mensen en leefbaarheid van de stad. 2. Het UCC is een multimodaal o
Stadsdistributiecentra (SDC) worden al vele jaren in de literatuur van stadslogistiek besproken. Het aantal succesvolle SDC's is in de praktijk nog steeds zeer schaars. Er is weinig gepubliceerd over de praktische zaken en ervaringen van het daadwerkelijk runnen van een SDC en he