Damian Murla Tuyls
3 records found
For pluvial flood risk assessment in urban areas it is important to be able to calculate how often a specific area is at risk of flooding. This is especially evident in urban areas subject to contribution from multiple sources, e.g. surcharging drainage system, surface runoff, ov
Fractal analysis of urban catchments and their representation in semi-distributed models
Imperviousness and sewer system
Fractal analysis relies on scale invariance and the concept of fractal dimension enables one to characterize and quantify the space filled by a geometrical set exhibiting complex and tortuous patterns. Fractal tools have been widely used in hydrology but seldom in the specific co
Sensitivity of urban drainage models to the spatial-temporal resolution of rainfall inputs
A multi-storm, multi-catchment investigation
Urban hydrological applications require high resolution precipitation and catchment information in order to well represent the spatial variability, fast runoff processes and short response times of urban catchments (Berne et al., 2004). Although fast progress has been made over t