P. Paclik
44 records found
In the past few years a variety of successful algorithms to select/extract discriminative spectral bands was introduced. By exploiting the connectivity of neighbouring spectral bins, these techniques may be more beneficial than the standard feature selection/extraction methods ap
Deriving an informative data representation is an important prerequisite when designing road-sign classifiers. A frequently used strategy for road-sign classification is based on the normalized cross correlation similarity to class prototypes followed by the nearest neighbor clas
Consider the class of problems in which a target class is well-defined, and an outlier class is ill-defined. In these cases new outlier classes can appear, or the class-conditional distribution of the outlier class itself may be poorly sampled. A strategy to deal with this proble
A conventional way to discriminate between objects represented by dissimilarities is the nearest neighbor method. A more efficient and sometimes a more accurate solution is offered by other dissimilarity-based classifiers. They construct a decision rule based on the enti
This paper presents paper retrieval using the speci¿c paper features chain and laid lines. Paper features are detected in digitized paper images and they are represented such that they could be used for retrieval. Optimal retrieval performance is achieved by means of a trainable