TCW Landgrebe

15 records found


Abstract The use of Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis for the sake of model selection and threshold optimisation has become a standard practice for the design of two-class pattern recognition systems. Advantages include decision boundary adaptation to imbalanced mi ...
Consideringtheclassi¿cationprobleminwhichclasspriorsormisallocationcostsarenotknownprecisely,receiveroperatorcharacteristic(ROC)analysishasbecomeastandardtoolinpatternrecognitionforobtainingintegratedperformancemeasurestocopewiththeuncertainty.Similarly,insituationsinwhichpriorsm ...
Consider the class of problems in which a target class is well-defined, and an outlier class is ill-defined. In these cases new outlier classes can appear, or the class-conditional distribution of the outlier class itself may be poorly sampled. A strategy to deal with this proble ...