Frank J. Bruggeman

7 records found


One-carbon (C1) feedstocks, such as carbon monoxide (CO), formate (HCO2H), methanol (CH3OH), and methane (CH4), can be obtained either through stepwise electrochemical reduction of CO2 with renewable electricity or via processing of organic side streams. These C1 substrates are i ...

Statistics and simulation of growth of single bacterial cells

Illustrations with B. subtilis and E. coli

The inherent stochasticity of molecular reactions prevents us from predicting the exact state of single-cells in a population. However, when a population grows at steady-state, the probability to observe a cell with particular combinations of properties is fixed. Here we valid ...

Non-dividing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures are highly relevant for fundamental and applied studies. However, cultivation conditions in which non-dividing cells retain substantial metabolic activity are lacking. Unlike stationary-phase (SP) batch cultures, the current exper ...