A. Doerr

10 records found


Although the essential proteins that drive bacterial cytokinesis have been identified, the precise mechanisms by which they dynamically interact to enable symmetrical division are largely unknown. In Escherichia coli, cell division begins with the formation of a proto-ring com ...

The Protein synthesis Using Recombinant Elements (PURE) system enables transcription and translation of a DNA template from purified components. Therefore, the PURE system-catalyzed generation of RNAs and proteins constituting the PURE system itself represents a major challeng ...

Genetic control over a cytoskeletal network inside lipid vesicles offers a potential route to controlled shape changes and DNA segregation in synthetic cell biology. Bacterial microtubules (bMTs) are protein filaments found in bacteria of the genus Prosthecobacter. They are fo ...

A major challenge towards the realization of an autonomous synthetic cell resides in the encoding of a division machinery in a genetic programme. In the bacterial cell cycle, the assembly of cytoskeletal proteins into a ring defines the division site. At the onset of the forma ...

The Min biochemical network regulates bacterial cell division and is a prototypical example of self-organizing molecular systems. Cell-free assays relying on purified proteins have shown that MinE and MinD self-organize into surface waves and oscillatory patterns. In the conte ...

DNA-guided cell-free protein synthesis using a minimal set of purified components has emerged as a versatile platform in constructive biology. The E. coli-based PURE (protein synthesis using recombinant elements) system offers the basic protein synthesis factory in a prospecti ...

Statistics and simulation of growth of single bacterial cells

Illustrations with B. subtilis and E. coli

The inherent stochasticity of molecular reactions prevents us from predicting the exact state of single-cells in a population. However, when a population grows at steady-state, the probability to observe a cell with particular combinations of properties is fixed. Here we valid ...