Degradation of bisphenol-a-polycarbonate (BPA-PC) optical lenses under simulated harsh environment conditions
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This paper investigates degradation and failure mechanisms of BPA-PC lenses in simulated harsh environment conditions. Exposure of secondary optics in Light Emitting Diode LED-based systems or any other similar applications to environmental stresses can adversely effect the performance and lifetime of products. This paper simulates a harsh environment condition, using a salt bath oven. Salt spray exposure/ageing tests at 45° C were carried out up to four months. Fourier transform infrared-attenuated total reflection FTIR-ATR spectrometer and Lambda 950 Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) spectrophotometer were used to study the optical and chemical characteristics of aged plates. Results showed that salt bath exposure test resulted in the severe deterioration of optical characteristics BPA-PC samples. Degradation of optical properties of BPA-PC plates is attributable to the oxidation of samples.