Morphology, Evolution and Performance of IMC in SAC105 Solder/UBM (Ni (P)-Au)

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To enhance the ability of lead-free solder joint to resistfailures induced by mechanical impact and shock, someresearchers have introduced low-Ag lead-free solder. In thisstudy, the formation and evolution of IMC, the fracturemorphology and performance of solder joint between SAC105 solder and under bump Metallization (UBM) have beenstudied after different temperature storage aging and multireflowfor WLCSP. The morphology and fracture surface ofIMC have been analyzed by SEM, EDX and deeply etchingtechniques. The behavior of IMC and correlation withfracture mode of joint at high speed ball pull (HSBP) test hasbeen investigated. It has been found that high temperaturestorage (HTS) aging results in IMC growing from one layerthat is (Cu6Sn5) IMC to two different layers that are((Cu,Ni)6 Sn5 and (Cu,Ni)3Sn4). Multi-reflow results in theIMC layer thickness increasing a little and some needle-likeIMC grain spalling into the solder.


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