Scaling Program Synthesis
Combining Programs Learned on Subsets of Examples
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Program synthesis tackles the challenge of generating programs from user specifications, a task proven undecidable due to the exponential search space growth. In program synthesis the Divide and Conquer technique can be employed to prune this search. By decomposing specifications into individual examples, multiple programs are synthesized to solve them separately. Later these small programs are combined into a bigger program which should satisfy all input-output pairs by itself. There have been previous successful attempts at using Divide and Conquer, including combining programs using decision trees. However, a gap persists in the program synthesis community regarding comprehensive frameworks for integrating diverse implementation strategies. This project addresses this gap by incorporating a Divide and Conquer algorithm into a program synthesis library, enabling users to explore different ways of generating the small programs while abstracting the unification procedure. Moreover, we also discuss a "greedy" strategy to generate the programs that will be combined. We found that a Divide and Conquer manages to improve naive search, especially when given more than 10 examples.