S.S. Chakraborty

43 records found


Today's mobile, desktop, and server processors are heterogeneous, consisting not only of CPUs but also GPUs and other accelerators. Such heterogeneous processors are starting to expose a shared memory interface across these devices.Given that each of these individual devices t ...

Over the years, several memory models have been proposed to capture the subtle concurrency semantics of C/C++. One of the most fundamental problems associated with a memory model M is consistency checking: given an execution X, is X consistent with M? This problem lies at the ...

The Probabilistic Concurrency Testing (PCT) algorithm that provides theoretical guarantees on the probability of detecting concurrency bugs does not apply to weak memory programs. The PCT algorithm builds on the interleaving semantics of sequential consistency, which does not ...

We study the safety verification problem for parameterized systems under the release-acquire (RA) semantics. In the non-parameterized setting, access to atomic compare-and-swap (CAS) instructions renders the safety verification problem undecidable. In the light of this result, ...


A static binary translator for weak memory model architectures

The emergence of new architectures create a recurring challenge to ensure that existing programs still work on them. Manually porting legacy code is often impractical. Static binary translation (SBT) is a process where a program's binary is automatically translated from one ar ...


A Dynamic Binary Translator for Weak Memory Model Architectures

Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) is a powerful approach to support cross-architecture emulation of unmodified binaries. However, DBT systems face correctness and performance challenges, when emulating concurrent binaries from strong to weak memory consistency architectures. As ...

Robustness of a concurrent program ensures that its behaviors on a weak concurrency model are indistinguishable from those on a stronger model. Enforcing robustness is particularly useful when porting or migrating applications between architectures. Existing tools mostly focus on ...


Computer architectures with weak memory models, such as ARMv8 and ARMv7, allow memory accesses to be reordered in many situations.
Therefore, weak memory models may cause a program to exhibit more behavior than a strong memory model, such as x86.
Fency is a static analysi ...
This paper presents the use of a heuristic solution method to improve the process of creating a conjunctive normal form (CNF) encoding of and finding optimal solutions to instances of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with logical constraints (RCPSP-Log).
Scheduling has been subject to much research. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) is no exception. With the multiple different variations and additions to the standard definition that are possible, many exact, heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches have b ...
We study the prize-collecting job scheduling problem with one common and multiple secondary resources, where the target is to collect the biggest score possible by constructing a feasible schedule with given constraints of jobs and resources. Many scheduling configurations, where ...
The superoptimizer STOKE has previously been shown to be effective at optimizing programs containing floating-point numbers. The STOKE optimizer obtains these results by running a stochastic search over the set of all programs and selecting the best-optimized one. This study aims ...
Modern compilers exploit syntax \& semantics to optimize input programs.
Often such optimization rules are arduous to get right and the output is not guaranteed to be globally optimal.
Superoptimizers take a different approach to this problem by traversing the program ...
In this paper, a variant of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem is discussed. This variant introduces time-dependence for resource capacities and requests, making the problem a more realistic model for many practical applications such as production scheduling and ...
Superoptimization is the idea of creating the most optimal program possible from a given input program. Equality saturation is a method of superoptimization using rewrite rules and e-graphs. A rewrite rule defines a piece of code that can be rewritten as another part while keepin ...
STOKE is one of the Superoptimizers which are programs that given a function and a set of instructions of a processor, traverse through a space of programs that compute a given function and try to find the optimal usually in terms of execution speed or size of the binary. Authors ...
The multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) is an NP-hard scheduling problem that concerns activities with several execution modes connected by precedence relations. Precedence relations define a partial ordering in which activities must be processed. ...
Dataflow analysis is a powerful tool used for program optimization, static analysis, and editor services for many programming languages. Spoofax, a language workbench, contains a domain-specific language called FlowSpec for the definition of control-flow and dataflow semantics th ...
As more and more aspects of our society and economy rely on software, security vulnerabilities in programs have become an increasingly significant threat. One such class of vulnerabilities are out-of-bounds writes, which are still one of the most widespread and dangerous types of ...
The Probabilistic Concurrency Testing (PCT) algorithm provides theoretical guarantees for the probability of detecting concurrency bugs in a sequential consistency memory model, but its theoretical guarantees do not apply to weak memory concurrency. The weak memory concurrency re ...