Disclosing the military city Lisbon

Re-starting the machine

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This master thesis is part of the graduation studio named ‘Disclosing the Military City Lisbon’ as part of the chair Heritage and Architecture at the TU Delft. The studio assignment and project is initiated in collaboration with DOCOMOMO (International committee for documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the modern movement)
The start of the project was done by attending the 14th International DOCOMOMO Conference and joining the organised on-site workshop in Lisbon.

The graduation project is focused on the ‘South’ part of the Manutençao Militar Complex in Lisbon. This part has been vacant since 1992 due to military re-organisations. The objective is to adaptively re-use the total of about 34.000 m2 of vacant space.

When visiting the site the building that struck me the most was the silos. Because of it’s height, contrasting shape and standing at the end of a long street it immediately caught my eye. I have chosen the silos to focus my graduation on due to its key role as landmark, as face of the site (and surroundings), its vital role in my strategy for the complex and my fascination for the building.