Velocity and Buoyancy Profiles of Buoyant Turbulent Plumes in a Rotating Fluid
An Experimental Investigation using PIV and LIF
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Turbulent plumes play a crucial role in geophysical and industrial processes, yet their behavior in rotating environments remains insufficiently understood. This study experimentally investigates the influence of background rotation on negatively buoyant turbulent plumes using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). By varying the source Richardson and Rossby numbers, the effect of rotation on plume self-similarity, width and centerline velocity is examined.
Results reveal that rotation significantly alters plume dynamics, reducing entrainment and modifying self-similarity profiles at the edges of plumes. The evolution of plume half-width is inhibited, and centerline velocity decays faster in rotating environments. The curved area of both buoyancy and velocity self-similarity profiles do however overlap with a Gaussian curve.
These findings contribute to a better understanding of rotating turbulent plumes and provide insights relevant to oceanic convection, atmospheric dynamics, and industrial mixing processes.