Numerical investigation of nearshore wave transformation and surf zone hydrodynamics

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Rapid climate change and the corresponding estimated sea level rise can affect the performance of the coastal defense structures such as breakwaters, seawalls, and dikes. In order to improve these coastal defenses, a detailed understanding of the processes which contribute to wave run-up and overtopping over the coastal defenses needs to be established. Following the exponential growth of computing capacity around 1970’s, a wide variety of computational models were developed to study fluid flow. Traditionally, three computational paradigms have existed in order to study wave transformation and surf zone hydrodynamics: phase averaged models, phase resolving models, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. Limitations posed by the underlying linear wave theory in phase averaged and other simplifications in the phase resolving models, may not provide sufficient detail in wave breaking, wave energy dissipation, wave run-up, wave overtopping, and potentially other detailed hydrodynamic processes. This lack of resolution in depth averaged models for wave-breaking, wave run-up, and wave overtopping processes motivates a detailed investigation using CFD based models, which can correctly mimic wave-breaking and other hydrodynamic processes.

The recent growth in available computational capacity has greatly improved the applicability of CFD based models for large scale transient flows such as waves near a coast. Additionally, the developments in wave generation and wave absorption boundary conditions by Jacobsen et al. [2012] in the open-source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM, have facilitated the use of OpenFOAM in coastal engineering applications. This encourages investigating the coastal environment using relatively complex models, thus providing insights into fundamental processes which contribute to coastal safety. To that end, this thesis focuses on investigating wave overtopping and the underlying processes which contribute to the aforementioned hydrodynamic aspects.

Overtopping demands accurate capture of the free surface (interface between water and air). The waveFoam solver suffers from numerical diffusion of the interface, consequently requiring a different approach to mimic the sharp interface. In order to cater to this deficiency, a new solver which combines the capabilities of waveFoam [Jacobsen et al., 2012] and isoAdvection [Røenby et al., 2016] which has the ability to capture sharp interfaces by means of a sub-grid approach has been integrated (waveFlow) and used in this study. In addition to the new solver, a new set of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) closures developed by Larsen and Fuhrman [2018] for wave modeling applications have been employed to correctly capture turbulence levels under breaking waves. The preliminary steps include calibrating and assessment of the newly integrated waveFlow solver. Using a relatively simple conceptual test case, a comparison of the free surface behavior and overtopping discharge was carried out. This calibration test was followed by a comparison of numerical results with the experimental investigations carried out by Ting and Kirby [1994]. Following this benchmarking study, experimental studies carried out by Flanders Hydraulics investigating wave overtopping over dikes in shallow foreshore environments was validated. A comparison of waveFlow and waveFoam was made to assess the qualitative and quantitative differences between the two interface capture methods on overtopping. Using this new solver, OpenFOAM was able to reproduce the surface elevation and significant improvement in the overtopping results were obtained for identical model setup in comparison to the waveFoam solver. A coupled approach using a potential flow solver named OceanWave3D aided simulation of large domain wave propagation and helped to cut down the computational time.


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