Effect of bow thruster-induced loads on stone displacement near a quay wall

A field measurement

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The surge in demand for inland vessel goods transportation has necessitated the operation of larger vessels with increased drafts. These larger vessels generate significant induced loads from their more powerful bow thrusters during berthing and mooring. These loads can lead to scour, which ultimately results in instability of the quay wall. To counteract this, stone gradings are penetrated with colloidal concrete as bottom protection. However, prior studies indicate that the flow velocity profile perpendicular to a quay wall decreases more rapidly than guidelines suggest, implying a potential reduction in the extent of colloidal concrete application. This is relevant for the Netherlands, where a multitude of hydraulic structures, including an estimated 130 locks, are in need of renovation or replacement. \\

\noindent This study seeks to comprehend the impact of bow thruster-induced loads directly perpendicular to the quay wall, on stone displacement near a quay wall and this study compares the outcomes of this field measurement with existing guidelines and scale modelling. The research question is therefore: ''\textit{How can results from a full-scale test improve the design and performance of loose-rock bottom protection against bow thruster-induced loads for quay walls accommodating inland vessels?}''\\

\noindent In order to answer this question a full-scale field measurement is conducted with the largest inland vessel in Europe. During this field measurement, free flow tests were performed and bottom velocity, pressure fluctuations and stone displacement were determined. \\

\noindent The applied bow thruster power and under keel clearance are marked as two important parameters for stone displacement. For the impact of this applied bow thruster power and under keel clearance, a variety of scenarios is examined. After each scenario a survey is done to look at individual stone displacement. Velocity measurements are taken to get more information about the flow velocities. The velocities were measured relatively far away from the bottom, resulting in low velocities. The actual bottom velocity is determined by validating and using the findings of the scale modelling performed by \textcites{Deltares}.\\

\noindent Free flow tests are performed to directly measure the outflow velocity and compare it with existing guidelines. From these tests, it is concluded that the existing guidelines for outflow velocity result in an overestimation of the required $d_{n50}$, with a measured loss coefficient of 0.65 as opposed to the proposed 0.90. Even with the reduced loss factor for the outflow velocity, the bottom velocity calculated with the Dutch method guideline is higher compared to the actual bottom velocities, demonstrating again, as already indicated in prior studies, that the guidelines are too conservative. \\

\noindent The turbulence intensity values play a significant role in validating the findings derived from scale modelling conducted by Deltares. The measured turbulent intensity values show similarities with the earlier findings, indicating a turbulent environment and validation of the Deltares scale modelling. \\

\noindent Based on pressure measurements, it is estimated that at the onset of movement, the pressure differences of the turbulent eddies are in the order of 50 to 90\% of the critical force to cause stone movement. \\

\noindent The in this study developed parameter R = $\frac{V_0}{UKC} \cdot t \cdot \frac{1}{k_{sl}} \cdot C_R $ shows that an increase in applied bow thruster power, a decrease in under keel clearance, an increase in duration and in slope lead to a linear relation with the normalised cross-section area of the near-quay erosion hole. \\

\noindent In addition, the full-scale field measurement showed that the stone displacement predominantly occurs within the first two and a half meters of the bottom protection, suggesting a possible reduction in the width of the colloidal concrete application. For a fictive quay wall the suggested reduction is compared with the design following the original guidelines. The suggested reduction alternative could save 75\% of the amount of colloidal concrete and CO$_2$ emissions.