Turbulent flow over liquid-infused superhydrophobic surfaces

An experimental investigation into the drag performance and flow mechanics

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Surfaces that induce slip at the wall have been shown to reduce skin friction drag in the turbulent regime. While superhydrophobic and liquid-infused surfaces are capable of drag reduction in turbulent hydrodynamic flows, neither would be feasible in aerodynamic applications due to the added roughness and the minuscule slip lengths created by the unfavourable viscosity ratio between the liquid and air. This thesis explores the novel idea of liquid-infused superhydrophobic surfaces (LISHySs). These surfaces use liquid droplets held in superhydrophobic features to induce slip at the air-liquid interface while reducing resistance to the motion of the liquid within the cavity.

Since no framework existed on the drag-reducing mechanism of such a surface, this was devised and the parameters of importance were identified. These were seen to be the area of the air-liquid interface, the exposed and submerged areas of the droplets in the cavities, and the degree of superhydrophobicity of the surface. Two types of LISHySs were consequently designed - one with spherical droplets and another with spanwise cylindrical droplets. These were produced by 3D printing surfaces with cavities and applying a superhydrophobic coating, into which water was infused.

Direct force measurements on the surface showed an increase in the drag coefficient (between 10% and 17%) with respect to a smooth reference surface. While PIV for the flow over this surface showed an increase in mean streamwise velocity and a decrease in Reynolds stress in the overlap layer, the high degree of reflection produced by the surface meant that meaningful near-wall data could not be obtained. Observations of the air-liquid interface demonstrated that the hypothesised steady rolling motion of liquid droplets occurred at low freestream velocities, but this was observed to become more chaotic at higher velocities. Pressure drag due to droplets acting as roughness elements, among other reasons, further contributed to the total drag produced.

While the results showed that the current implementation of LISHySs was unsuccessful, the lessons from this first attempt point to the directions in which future studies could be made. Cylindrical droplets oriented in the streamwise direction offer high potential due to the creation of streamwise slip. Advancements in the fields of material science and hydrophobicity would allow for surfaces with finer cavities that exhibit higher superhydrophobicity to be produced. Measures such as these would pave the way for the passive reduction of turbulent drag through the novel concept of LISHySs.


Thesis_Report_Nikhil_Joseph_Jo... (pdf)

File under embargo until 28-02-2025