Architecture Building ... Care
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An architectural project on Care, uncovering the mysteries and strengths behind the softness that Care brings. This project has been about both questioning and writing the role of Care in Architecture, and Architecture in Care. The project is situated on one street in the city center of Madrid. The street functioned as a sequence of stories, as a site of investigation of care, as a site for design intervention, as a connection between actors and building. In order to translate signs of Care into a building, five topologies were chosen. Each with different signs and scales of Care in an Urban context: Parish, Muur, Kitchen, Balcony, Props. The research of the one street and its five topologies is conducted using a mixed methods consisting of sampling, mapping, photography, writing, participatory observations. The results were translated into both a toolbox for Caring Architecture and a Caring building. The building itself showcases Care as affordances, Care as a choice, Care as a shield, Care as a wall, Care as a network. Because Caring Architecture allows, it should not shout.