R. Noomen

61 records found

The dynamics of rendezvous of spacecraft in circular orbits is a problem that is well-understood and that is regularly taught in orbital mechanics majors, as are the techniques of linearization and the applications of the state transition matrix. The design of strategies for rend ...
This thesis aims to calculate optimal trajectories from a user-defined Earth-bounded orbit to a user-defined Moon-bounded orbit using a bi-impulse direct transfer ultimately under the influence of a full dynamical model with perturbations, hence reflecting the actual physical env ...
Insertion maneuvers are used to move a spacecraft from an open orbit (parabolic or hyperbolic) into a closed orbit around a target body. These maneuvers are key components in any space mission considering orbiting a body for a large amount of time, for exploration or landing; the ...
Recent launches of satellite constellations in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) region have increased the collision probability of existing debris objects with active satellites. Monitoring the trajectories of these debris objects is crucial for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) to prev ...
The first mission proposals to visit the Alpha Centauri system use photon-sail acceleration as a mode of propulsion to reach this stellar system closest to our own Solar System. To prepare for a future mission, the photon-sail dynamics in the system is investigated. Planar Lyapun ...

Frozen Orbit Design and Stability

An Application to Asteroid Apophis during its 2029 Earth Flyby

Apophis, an Aten-type asteroid, was considered a significant threat to Earth upon its discovery due to its potential impact with Earth in 2029. Although the collision has now been ruled out, Apophis will still perform an exceptionally close flyby of Earth that same year at a dist ...
Temporarily Captured Orbiters (TCOs) - also known as Earth’s mini-moons – are meter-size asteroid fragments temporarily trapped in the Earth-Moon system. TCOs are challenging to identify due to their small size and high speed. While only two TCOs have been confirmed so far, studi ...
Space debris has become a rising problem in the aerospace community, leading to the need for effective spacecraft collision avoidance processes. Currently, these processes can be called unilateral as only one object in conjunction is considered maneuverable. This thesis focuses o ...

Automated Multiple Gravity-Assist Sequence Optimisation

An intelligent parallel-computing methodology

While the space industry expands rapidly and space exploration becomes ever more relevant, this thesis aims to automate the design of Multiple Gravity-Assist (MGA) transfers using low-thrust propulsion. In particular, during the preliminary design phase of space missions, the com ...

Aerocapture at Jupiter

A Feasibility Assessment

The current project investigated the feasibility of aerocapture at Jupiter, and the benefits in terms of payload mass fraction that could be achieved compared to traditional orbital insertion burns. A numerical simulation model has been set up, as well as an analytical formulatio ...
Space debris fragments smaller than 10 cm cannot be tracked from Earth and are generally neglected in conjunction and risk analyses because of this. However, these fragments pose a great threat, as they can lead to collisions. Currently, the threat that space debris poses on the ...
Laser communication provides numerous benefits over typical Radio Frequency communication, such as lower power, not occupying regulated frequency bands, possibilities for much higher data rates and resistance to jamming. Combined with satellite constellations, Laser Inter-satelli ...
The Kuiper belt is one of the last mostly unexplored regions in the Solar System. Exploration of the Kuiper belt can greatly increase humanity's understanding of the Solar System's formation and evolution. The use of low-thrust propulsion for Kuiper belt missions has the potentia ...
CubeSat missions have been deployed to cislunar space and beyond, paving the way for the next significant advancement: a dedicated CubeSat mission to explore a planet near Earth. To contribute to this goal, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has developed radiation-hardened small ...

Distant Retrograde Orbits

Modeling and Stability

Distant Retrograde Orbits (DROs) are special orbits for third bodies in two-body systems. The third body revolves around the secondary – the smaller of the two primaries – in a retrograde way, meaning the direction is opposite to the direction that the primaries revolve around ea ...
Central configurations provide the only closed-form analytical solutions of the n-body problem. All possible central configurations of three bodies have been extensively studied along with the stability of the associated periodic orbits. Stable cases have been found for the Lagra ...

Potential Hazardous Asteroids

Efficient orbit and uncertainty propagation

The number of objects in space is increasing over time, and therefore it is desired to find more efficient propagation models in terms of accuracy and computational speed. This thesis project focuses on the propagation of the state and uncertainties of Potential Hazardous Asteroi ...
Quasi-satellite orbits (QSOs) are orbits around the smaller primary in three-body systems. The MMX mission (developed by JAXA, to be launched in 2024) will use QSOs to orbit Phobos, before landing on its surface. This work studies the feasibility of using the invariant manifolds ...

Uncontrolled Motion for Asteroid Missions

An Application to the Binary Asteroid 1999 KW4

This thesis focused on the relevance and feasibility of an uncontrolled cubesat mission in a binary asteroid environment, highlighting the example of the representative Near-Earth Asteroid 1999 KW4, modelled using the TU Delft Astrodynamics Tool (TUDAT). A clear distinction was m ...
Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) have attracted the attention of the scientific community in the last few years. Not only because of their importance to life on Earth but also their scientific potential and possible economic returns. This work explores the use of quasi-periodic orbits ...