A. Jakobi

5 records found

Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has become a powerful technique to understand the structure and function of proteins. Thanks to substantial technical advancements in the 2010s, the frequent determination of atomic structures is now possible. This thesis encompasses chapte ...
Gas vesicles, micrometer-scale protein structures that function as bacterial buoyancy providers, encapsulate gas in a highly optimized manner. While their atomic structure has been elucidated through single-particle analysis of cryo-EM images, certain structural and functional de ...


Cryo-EM map sharpening by learning scattering properties of macromolecules

Cyo-EM is a powerful technique in biophysics to model. By recording tens of thousands of these images and using computational methods to form a 3D density map. The interpretability of these cryo-EM maps decreases in high-resolution by using map sharpening to increase these areas ...

How can something empty be so full

Virus-like particles as next generation vaccines

Vaccination is the most effective strategy in humanity’s fight against viruses. The concept of vaccination was first proposed by dr. Edward Jenner in the 18th Century, and its efficacy has been proven over time, providing unparalleled protection against viral infections. Large-sc ...