Y. van Gennip
14 records found
In network science, one of the significant and challenging subjects is the detection of communities. Modularity [1] is a measure of community structure that compares connectivity in the network with the expected connectivity in a graph sampled from a random null model. Its optimi
This paper proposes a novel framework for modelling the spread of financial crises in complex networks, combining financial data, Extreme Value Theory and an epidemiological transmission model. We accommodate two key aspects of contagion modelling: fundamentals-based contagion, w
Correction to
Deep limits of residual neural networks(Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 10.1007/s40687-022-00370-y)
The original article has been updated to correct some missing reference citations in the text.@en
Neural networks have been very successful in many applications; we often, however, lack a theoretical understanding of what the neural networks are actually learning. This problem emerges when trying to generalise to new data sets. The contribution of this paper is to show that,
Practical image segmentation tasks concern images which must be reconstructed from noisy, distorted, and/or incomplete observations. A recent approach for solving such tasks is to perform this reconstruction jointly with the segmentation, using each to guide the other. However, t
This paper introduces a semi-discrete implicit Euler (SDIE) scheme for the Allen-Cahn equation (ACE) with fidelity forcing on graphs. The continuous-in-time version of this differential equation was pioneered by Bertozzi and Flenner in 2012 as a method for graph classification pr
An emerging technique in image segmentation, semi-supervised learning and general classification problems concerns the use of phase-separating flows defined on finite graphs. This technique was pioneered in Bertozzi and Flenner (2012, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 10(3), 109
We introduce a principled method for the signed clustering problem, where the goal is to partition a weighted undirected graph whose edge weights take both positive and negative values, such that edges within the same cluster are mostly positive, while edges spanning across clust
In recent years there has been an emerging interest in PDE-like flows defined on finite graphs, with applications in clustering and image segmentation. In particular for image segmentation and semisupervised learning Bertozzi and Flenner [Multiscale Model. Simul., 10 (2012), pp.
The Max-Cut problem is a well known combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper we describe a fast approximation method. Given a graph G, we want to find a cut whose size is maximal among all possible cuts. A cut is a partition of the vertex set of G into two disjoint subse
This paper arose from a minisymposium held in 2018 at the 9th International Conference on Curves and Surface in Arcachon, France, and organized by Simon Masnou and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb. This minisymposium featured a variety of recent developments of geometric partial differen
Graph MBO on Star Graphs and Regular Trees.
With Corrections to DOI 10.1007/s00032-014-0216-8
The graph Merriman–Bence–Osher scheme produces, starting from an initial node subset, a sequence of node sets obtained by iteratively applying graph diffusion and thresholding to the characteristic (or indicator) function of the node subsets. One result in [14] gives sufficient c
In [BF12, BF16] the graph Ginzburg–Landau functional was introduced. Here u is a real-valued function on the node set V of a simple1, undirected graph (with ui its value at node i), ωij ≥ 0 are edge weights which are assumed to be positive on all edges in the graph and zero betwe