J. Komjáthy
11 records found
On Whole-Graph Embeddings from Node Feature Distributions
Triangle Count reveals Communities and improves Graph Neural Networks
We consider three topics motivated by the Network Exploration Toolkit (NEExT) for building unsupervised graph embeddings. NEExT vectorizes the graphs in a graph collection using the Wasserstein (optimal transport) distance between the distributions of node fe
This thesis aims to enhance existing models that infer parameters describing the spread of a virus by analyzing the distribution of empirical cluster sizes of identical genetic sequences. An approach that has gained recent popularity assumes that each individual cluster can be mo
Explosion of Branching Processes
Finding sufficient conditions for infinitely large branching processes
We provide sufficient criteria for explosion in an age-dependent branching pro- cess. For this, we assume the offspring distribution is a variation of a Pareto distribution, as the chance to get at least k children is a slowly varying function over k. Given this form, we will con
k(n)-cores in the scale-free configuration model
Understanding the structure of a commonly used null model for scale-free networks
During this research, we investigate if there exists a k(n)-core in the scale-free configuration model, this is a commonly used null model to simulate networks. The scale-free configuration model produces a random graph, where the degree of every vertex is determined using a rand
The k-truncated metric dimension of a graph is the minimum number of sensors (a subset of the vertex set) needed to uniquely identify every vertex in the graph based on its distance to the sensors, where the sensors have a measuring range of k. We give an algorithm with the goal
All organisms are built out of cellular tissue. Being able to recognise abnormalities in these tissues could be useful in recognizing cancerous cells. In this thesis we construct a mathematical model for cellular tissue based on its spatial structure. We consider cells as element
In this thesis, we examine the kernel-based spatial random graph (KSRG) model, which is a generalisation of many known models such as long-range percolation, scale-free percolation, the Poisson Boolean model and age-based spatial preferential attachment. We construct a KSRG from
In this thesis, we consider the threshold metric dimension problem of graphs, related to and motivated by source detection.
We construct a graph G = (V,E) for a given set of sensors of size m: {s1, s2, ..., sm} and a range k > 0. We want that each node v ∈ V has a unique c ...
We construct a graph G = (V,E) for a given set of sensors of size m: {s1, s2, ..., sm} and a range k > 0. We want that each node v ∈ V has a unique c ...
A graph G=(V,E) is a mathematical model for a network with vertex set V and edge set E. A Random Graph model is a probabilistic graph. A Random Geometric Graph is a Random Graph were each vertex has a location in a space χ. We compare the Erdos-Rényi random graph, G(n,p), to the
We consider the game cops and robbers, which is a pursuit-evasion game played on a graph G. The cops and the robber take turns moving across the vertices of G, where the goal for the cops is to eventually catch the robber. Specifically, we study the cop number of G, i.e. the mini
Preferential Attachment models offer an explanation for why power laws are so common in real-world data. In these models, we start out with an initial network and add nodes one at a time. For each new node, we make m connections to existing nodes and if we define the attachment p