M.E.L. Jones

33 records found


Phylogenetic networks are used in biology to represent evolutionary histories. The class of orchard phylogenetic networks was recently introduced for their computational benefits, without any biological justification. Here, we show that orchard networks can be interpreted as t ...

We present the first fixed-parameter algorithm for constructing a tree-child phylogenetic network that displays an arbitrary number of binary input trees and has the minimum number of reticulations among all such networks. The algorithm uses the recently introduced framework o ...

Phylogenetic networks are used to represent evolutionary relationships between species in biology. Such networks are often categorized into classes by their topological features, which stem from both biological and computational motivations. We study two network classes in thi ...

Maximum parsimony distance on phylogenetic trees

A linear kernel and constant factor approximation algorithm

Maximum parsimony distance is a measure used to quantify the dissimilarity of two unrooted phylogenetic trees. It is NP-hard to compute, and very few positive algorithmic results are known due to its complex combinatorial structure. Here we address this shortcoming by showing ...

Phylogenetic networks can represent evolutionary events that cannot be described by phylogenetic trees. These networks are able to incorporate reticulate evolutionary events such as hybridization, introgression, and lateral gene transfer. Recently, network-based Markov models ...

A common problem in phylogenetics is to try to infer a species phylogeny from gene trees. We consider different variants of this problem. The first variant, called Unrestricted Minimal Episodes Inference, aims at inferring a species tree based on a model with speciation and du ...

Phylogenetic networks are important for the study of evolution. The number of methods to find such networks is increasing, but most such methods can only reconstruct small networks. To find bigger networks, one can attempt to combine small networks. In this paper, we study the ...

Treewidth of display graphs

Bounds, brambles and applications

Phylogenetic trees and networks are leaf-labelled graphs used to model evolution. Display graphs are created by identifying common leaf labels in two or more phylogenetic trees or networks. The treewidth of such graphs is bounded as a function of many common dissimilarity measure ...

Network reconstruction lies at the heart of phylogenetic research. Two well-studied classes of phylogenetic networks include tree-child networks and level-k networks. In a tree-child network, every non-leaf node has a child that is a tree node or a leaf. In a level-k network, ...

Perfect phylogenies are fundamental in the study of evolutionary trees because they capture the situation when each evolutionary trait emerges only once in history; if such events are believed to be rare, then by Occam's Razor such parsimonious trees are preferable as a hypoth ...

Unrooted phylogenetic networks are graphs used to represent reticulate evolutionary relationships. Accurately reconstructing such networks is of great relevance for evolutionary biology. It has recently been conjectured that all unrooted phylogenetic networks for at least five ...

Popular methods for exploring the space of rooted phylogenetic trees use rearrangement moves such as rooted Nearest Neighbour Interchange (rNNI) and rooted Subtree Prune and Regraft (rSPR). Recently, these moves were generalized to rooted phylogenetic networks, which are a mor ...

A common problem in phylogenetics is to try to infer a species phylogeny from gene trees. We consider different variants of this problem. The first variant, called Unrestricted Minimal Episodes Inference, aims at inferring a species tree based on a model of speciation and dupl ...

Phylogenetic networks arewell suited to represent evolutionary histories comprising reticulate evolution. Several methods aiming at reconstructing explicit phylogenetic networks have been developed in the last two decades. In this article, we propose a new definition of maximum p ...
Phylogenetic tree reconstruction is usually done by local search heuristics that explore the space of the possible tree topologies via simple rearrangements of their structure. Tree rearrangement heuristics have been used in combination with practically all optimization criteria ...


In this report, the bounded Maximum Parsimony distance will be considered when
applying three different reduction rules. The distance is a measure on how dissimilar two trees are and is calculated based on the number of mutations that occur when looking at heritable traits. T ...
Phylogenetic networks are used to describe evolutionary histories and are a generalisation of evolutionary trees. They can contain so called reticulations, representing reticulate evolution, such as hybridization, lateral gene transfer and recombination. Methods are being develop ...
This thesis provides you with basic information on graph theory as well as phylogenetic networks, it studies the relationship between undirected (unrooted) and directed (rooted) phylogenetic networks, based on the manuscript 'Rooting for phylogenetic networks' . Undirected phylog ...

Parental Parsimony on Phylogenetic Networks

Computing the Maximum Parsimony Scores of Phylogenetic Networks

Phylogenetic networks represent the evolutionary history of organisms and the relationships among them. In the field of phylogenetics research has been done to reconstruct these networks. Several methods for reconstructing those networks have been developed over the years. One of ...