Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Phylogenetic Inference Problems Involving Duplication and Reticulation

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A common problem in phylogenetics is to try to infer a species phylogeny from gene trees. We consider different variants of this problem. The first variant, called Unrestricted Minimal Episodes Inference, aims at inferring a species tree based on a model with speciation and duplication where duplications are clustered in duplication episodes. The goal is to minimize the number of such episodes. The second variant, Parental Hybridization, aims at inferring a species network based on a model with speciation and reticulation. The goal is to minimize the number of reticulation events. It is a variant of the well-studied Hybridization Number problem with a more generous view on which gene trees are consistent with a given species network. We show that these seemingly different problems are in fact closely related and can, surprisingly, both be solved in polynomial time, using a structure we call 'beaded trees'. However, we also show that methods based on these problems have to be used with care because the optimal species phylogenies always have a restricted form. To mitigate this problem, we introduce a new variant of Unrestricted Minimal Episodes Inference that minimizes the duplication episode depth. We prove that this new variant of the problem can also be solved in polynomial time.


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