
R.S. van der Kuij

5 records found

Heritage Reloaded

Exploring complex re-use processes of heritage buildings

Purpose: Complexity is seen as the main bottleneck to start re-use processes for vacant heritage buildings. Researchers ask for the development of conceptual frameworks to explore project complexity and for tools to manage these complex processes.
Aim: This research focuses o ...

Circulaire restwaarde

Een exploratief onderzoek naar de waardebegrippen die bepalend zijn voor de economische restwaarde

The circular economy is seen as the solution against waste and will cause reduction in use of both resources and energy. This means that resources will circulate continuously, making the end of life stages of product, objects and project more important. In this research it became ...
Het doel van het onderzoek is het geven van een beeld van de veranderingen in organisatieaspecten binnen woningcorporaties die tot een verbetering van huurderstevredenheid hebben geleid. Tevens is het het doel om een basis te leggen voor verder onderzoek op dit onderwerp, vandaar ...

Considering adaptive reuse within the municipal portfolio

How municipalities may change their decision-making process in the initiation phase of adaptive reuse when managing the real estate in their portfolio

The economic crisis, demographic changes and increasing vacancy of real estate in the city urges us to question how we cope with the new needs of the city, and how these can be combined with the existing built environment. Adaptive reuse, as a concept of reusing pre-existing stru ...