W.M.J.M. Coene

4 records found

With the continuously growing transistor density in the semiconductor industry, where smaller features and tighter tolerances in the nanometer scale are the norm, there is a growing demand for more advanced metrology tools during manufacturing. While optical metrology in the visi ...
Because of the growing demand for more advanced electric devices, an exponential growth of the number of transistors are supposed to be integrated into a single chip. To manufacture devices in the scale of nanometer cost-effectively, an accurate measurement for lithography proces ...

Automatic Differentiation based Multi-Mode Ptychography

A flexible and highly efficient lensless imaging algorithm

The scientific community recognizes the critical role played by ptychography in nanoscale imaging. Compared with the conventional imaging, which has high requirements on the manufacturing of optical elements, ptychography, as a computational imaging technique, uses a set of measu ...

Computational methods for phase retrieval

Non-iterative methods, Ptychography, and Diffractive Shearing Interferometry

In this thesis, several phase retrieval methods are discussed. Since the focus will mainly be on theory rather than experiment, the structure has been determined by the similarities and differences of the mathematics of these methods. For example, a distinction is made between no ...