S. Weerdenburg
8 records found
A lensless approach to EUV metrology with a high harmonic generation source
and its experimental challenges
With the continuously growing transistor density in the semiconductor industry, where smaller features and tighter tolerances in the nanometer scale are the norm, there is a growing demand for more advanced metrology tools during manufacturing. While optical metrology in the visi
Ptychographic extreme ultraviolet (EUV) diffractive imaging has emerged as a promising candidate for the next generationmetrology solutions in the semiconductor industry, as it can image wafer samples in reflection geometry at the nanoscale. This technique has surged attention re
Next-generation metrology solutions in various technology areas require to image sample areas at the nanoscale. Coherent diffractive imaging based on ptychography is the route towards EUV imaging of nanostructures without lenses. A key component in a table-top EUV beamline is a h
Ptychography as a means of lensless imaging is used in wafer metrology applications using Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) light, where use of high quality optics is out-of-scope. To obtain sufficient diffraction intensity, reflection geometries with shallow (ca. 20 degrees) grazing inc
Ptychography in a reflection geometry shows great promise for non-destructive imaging of 3-dimensional nanostructures at the surface of a thick substrate. A major challenge to obtain high quality reflection-ptychographic images under near-grazing conditions has been to calibrate
We present a highly stable, easy-to-use HHG source delivering a record photon flux of >1011 photons/s at 69eV-75eV, being tunable to approx. 100eV which will be used for future photon-hungry applications.@en
We demonstrate our beamline using a table-top HHG EUV source for lensless imaging application in reflection m ode. T he s ample r eflection fu nction is reconstructed using an auto-differentiation based ptychographic algorithm built on TensorFlow platform.@en
High-harmonic generation (HHG) driven by ultrashort laser pulses is an established process for the generation of coherent extreme ultraviolet (XUV) to soft X-ray radiation, which has found widespread use in various applications [1]. In recent years photon-hungry applications such