A lensless approach to EUV metrology with a high harmonic generation source
and its experimental challenges
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With the continuously growing transistor density in the semiconductor industry, where smaller features and tighter tolerances in the nanometer scale are the norm, there is a growing demand for more advanced metrology tools during manufacturing. While optical metrology in the visible range is the main workhorse, such as scatterometry, its performance is limited by the wavelength. Moving beyond the visible spectrum to extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray (SXR) wavelengths promises higher resolutions, but not without challenges. In this wavelength regime traditional microscopy struggles due to the non-availability of high numerical aperture optics for EUV and SXR at reasonable costs, failing to fully make use of the potential benefits of the shorter wavelength.
This thesis covers an alternative route to traditional microscopy through advanced lensless imaging or coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) techniques, particularly focusing on ptychography within the EUV and soft X-ray ranges demonstrated on a designed EUV beamline. Before we go into details about the setup we start with the basics of diffraction, coherent imaging, and ptychography in chapter 2. In chapter 3 we cover the generation of coherent EUV and SXR light from various sources, ranging from large scale facilities like synchrotrons to table-top High Harmonic Generation (HHG) setups.
From this point we cover the design and construction of a table-top EUV lensless imaging beamline in chapter 4, which has been designed and built from scratch at the Optics Research Group at the Delft University of Technology as part of this thesis. This section covers the design, optimization, and assembly of the beamline tailored for lensless imaging of industry relevant samples in a reflection configuration using EUV and soft X-rays from HHG sources. The beamline is split into several subsystems, a high intensity femtosecond fiber laser, the HHG EUV source, optical components for spectral filtering and illumination, and optomechanical systems required for ptychography which are individually covered in the chapter.
In chapter 5 we demonstrate one of the first ptychography reconstructions obtained on the EUV beamline, as presented in chapter 4, by illuminating an object with EUV light at 17.3 nm and 17.9 nm in a grazing reflection orientation of 20 degrees. The object, a silicon substrate which has been patterned with a 20 nanometer thick gold layer with feature sizes from a few microns down to 15 nanometers, has been reconstructed. This reconstruction has been generated with an in-house developed ptychography algorithm, based on automatic differentiation, for the ptychography reconstruction process. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of achieving high resolution reconstructions.
Line features down to 50 nanometers were retrieved with this method, close to the diffraction limit given an imaging NA of 0.17 at 18 nm wavelength. A reconstructed structure height of 23.6 ± 0.62 nm agrees well with the 20 nm nominal design value and the height retrieved from an atomic force microscope (AFM) measurement of 22.8 ± 1.45 nm.
The results in chapter 5 are quite promising, though there are certain challenges which need to be solved to further improve the reconstruction quality. One of these challenges are intensity stability issues which are typically associated with EUV sources based on high harmonic generation. Chapter 6 proposes a simple computational method to mitigate intensity fluctuations during ptychography scans by introducing a scanning position dependent multiplication factor. The algorithm effectively corrects for power fluctuations, enabling object reconstruction even in the presence of significant intensity variations up to 50 percent during the overall scan.
Chapter 7 presents a compact schlieren (from the German word ’streak’) imaging system integrated within the HHG EUV source, enabling quantitative density retrieval of the gas jet used to drive the high harmonic generation process. Schlieren imaging provides a straightforward alternative to vibration sensitive techniques like interferometry and can be used as a standardized tool for HHG sources, allowing for a better comparison among different HHG setups and for the optimization of HHG light sources.
In summary, this thesis does not only cover the field of lensless EUV microscopy but also covers the design process of such a beamline and the challenges associated with HHG EUV sources. This work presents a starting point for experimental EUV metrology within the Optics Research Group at the Delft University of Technology and enables future academic research relevant for the semiconductor industry.