P. Proesmans
5 records found
This study investigates the optimisation of design variables for the unconventional Flying-V-900 aircraft to minimise its climate impact, taking into account operational costs. The study
examines the compromises between operational costs and climate factors. A multidisciplina ...
examines the compromises between operational costs and climate factors. A multidisciplina ...
Simultaneous Aircraft Design & Trajectory Optimisation for Cost Effective Climate Impact Mitigation
A Cost-Climate Trade-off Study
Aircraft redesign and flight path optimisation offer promising methods of rethinking how we fly. As the effects of aviation on the planet are becoming better understood, focus has shifted from cost minimisation to climate impact mitigation. In this study, simultaneous aircraft de
With the aviation sector growing each year, the need for a reduced climate impact is becoming increasingly important. Electrification of the propulsion system is believed to offer promising avenues in achieving this reduction. Additionally, airlines operating these aircraft have
To reduce the climate impact of the turbofan dominated aviation industry, a conceptual propeller aircraft study has been performed to see the a possible reduction in climate impact between the two. The results analysed showed great promise for the reduction of the climate impact