In professional swimming, a fraction of second can determine whether a competitor will obtain a place on the podium. Swimming techniques have been analysed for decades to increase and optimize performance in order to win medals in the biggest competitions. The arms and the hands
In professional swimming, a fraction of second can determine whether a competitor will obtain a place on the podium. Swimming techniques have been analysed for decades to increase and optimize performance in order to win medals in the biggest competitions. The arms and the hands play a major role in the forward propulsion generated by a swimmer, especially in front crawl swimming. They have been widely investigated for steady motion, from the elbow position to the hand orientation and configuration. However, it is argued that the arm velocity is continuously varying during a front crawl stroke and that this unsteadiness can enhance propulsion. For this reason, investigating the effect of unsteady motion on the propulsive forces generated by the hand is of great interest. The objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the effect of acceleration on the propulsion drag of a hand in human swimming, and how this effect evolves with finger spreading. To do so, experiments on four full-scale 3D printed hands with attached forearm and different finger spreading are performed. The experiments take place in a 2 x 2 m open glass tank filled with water. The hands, mounted on a robot arm and fully submerged, are accelerated towards a constant target velocity along a linear path. The acceleration and the velocity are varied resulting in a Reynolds number of 2 x 104 ≤ 𝑅𝑒 ≤ 6 x 104 based on the hand palm. The drag force exerting on the hand is measured as a function of time and three phases are distinguished: (i) the acceleration phase during which the drag reaches a maximum, (ii) the transition phase where the drag gradually decreases to reach a constant value during (iii) the steady phase. In parallel, two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (PIV) is performed in a plan crossing the fingers. A significant effect of acceleration was found performing experiments for four different accelerations. Higher accelerations generate stronger and more concentrated vortices behind the hand, resulting in a larger amount of circulation close to the hand. Consequently, a 25% increase is found in the drag force at the end of the acceleration when the latter is multiplied by four. No significant effect of finger spreading on the drag force during the acceleration was found. However, surprisingly, an enhancement of the drag force of 5% to 10% was measured during the transition phase and the steady phase for the closed hand compared to the hands with finger spreading. PIV showed larger amount of circulation close to the hand without finger spreading.