An exponential growth in CO2 concentration over the past few decades has led to an accelerated impact of climate change on planet earth. In a bid to curb these emissions, people across the globe are slowly transitioning towards renewable energy sources with battery technology aid
An exponential growth in CO2 concentration over the past few decades has led to an accelerated impact of climate change on planet earth. In a bid to curb these emissions, people across the globe are slowly transitioning towards renewable energy sources with battery technology aiding this growth. Given that battery technology is still in its nascent stage, the “Electrochemical reduction of CO2” could be a viable solution supporting it without decelerating the momentum gained towards renewable development. Although plausible, the direct reduction of CO2 to liquid fuels entails huge energy expenditure thus requiring the implementation of catalysts. Unique in its ability, palladium reversibly reduces CO2 to formic acid making it an interesting candidate for the reduction reaction. In addition to the production of formic acid, palladium is also know to produce carbon monoxide (CO) which completely deactivates the surface preventing further reactions from occurring.
Thus the aim of the current study is focused on analysing the electrochemical reduction of CO2 on palladium thin films using surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy to better understand the deactivation mechanisms of CO on the palladium thin film. The smoothness of the as- sputtered 15 nm palladium thin film with a RMS roughness of 0.511 nm and partially coalesced islands were ascertained, thus requiring surface activation to introduce the enhancement mechanism. Experimental analysis of CO2 reduction on the palladium thin film was performed to unearth significant insights through the combination of electrochemical analysis techniques with surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy. Results obtained through implementation of these methodologies provided substantial information not only on the influence of the palladium-hydrogen system on the electrochemical reduction of CO2 but also on the impact of alkali metal cations on the palladium-hydrogen system and the CO2 reduction reaction over the sputtered palladium thin film. CO formation, accumulation and desorption coupled with hydrogen evolution and desorption were some of the few avenues that were enumerated upon during the experimental investigation. The identity of CO chemisorbed on the palladium thin film along with bicarbonate direct/ indirect reduction to form CO was confirmed through the utilization of N2 saturated C13 NaHCO3 solution. In addition to the analysis of the reduction reaction, emphasis on the oxidation of CO was also provided suggesting the formation of dense CO structures with the existence of strong CO dipole – dipole coupling on the palladium surface.