J.S. Reinders

8 records found

Addressing the challenge of reasoning about programs across different evaluation strategies has long been a concern in functional programming. Levy's introduction of the call-by-push-value (CBPV) calculus represents a significant step forward in tackling this. His paradigm provid ...
Algebraic effects and handlers are a new programming technique that allows for the definition of abstractions as interfaces, with handlers providing modular, concrete implementations of these interfaces. In this paper, we consider algebraic effects and handlers implemented in Has ...

Concurrency with effects and handlers

Implementing concurrency with nondeterminism using algebraic effects and handlers

Algebraic effects and handlers are a new paradigm in functional programming. They aim at modularly handling side effects, by separating the declaration of those effects, from how they are handled. In this paper, we show how we can leverage their use to create an interface for con ...
When writing functional code that composes multiple recursive functions that operate on a datastrcuture, we often incur a lot of computational overhead allocating memory, only to later read, use, and discard this information.
This can be alleviated using fusion, a technique t ...
Algebraic effects and handlers has been a popular approach for modelling side-effects in functional programming languages. Focusing on composability and modularity, this approach separates the effectful syntax from its semantics, which helps programmers to create effect abstracti ...
Effect handler oriented programming (EHOP) is a recently proposed programming paradigm, which aims to provide a separation of concerns by isolating the handling of side-effects from the main application logic. Nowadays, as the core concepts behind EHOP are being added to more and ...
Effect handler oriented programming or EHOP for short, is a new programming paradigm aiming to achieve separation of concerns in code which will lead to modular, readable and maintainable code. Since EHOP is significantly new, it is important to assess and compare it against trad ...

Programming With Effects

Improving the quality of code in IO intensive applications through effect handlers

Effect handler orient programming (EHOP) is a recently proposed programming paradigm that aims to provide a high-level abstraction in code. Using this paradigm, programmers are able to define operations as an effect, which are implemented by an effect handler. Functions can then ...