D. Frey
3 records found
Recently, by Z. Shen, resolvent estimates for the Stokes operator were established in Lp(Ω) when Ω is a Lipschitz domain in Rd, with d≥3 and |1/p-1/2|<1/(2d)+ε. This result implies that the Stokes operator generates a bo
Wavelets are a recent development in signal processing. These kind of functions
are both well-localized in time and in frequency, and so using these to transform the signal gives insight where certain frequencies are needed. The classical way of constructing wavelets, as desc ...
are both well-localized in time and in frequency, and so using these to transform the signal gives insight where certain frequencies are needed. The classical way of constructing wavelets, as desc ...
In this bachelor's thesis we will solve the Dirichlet problem with an Lp(T) boundary function. First, we will focus on the holomorphic version of the Dirichlet problem and introduce Hardy space theory, from which will follow a sufficient condition on the Fourier coeffi