W.M. Ruszel

21 records found

We show that in Abelian sandpiles on infinite Galton–Watson trees, the probability that the total avalanche has more than t topplings decays as t- 1 / 2. We prove both quenched and annealed bounds, under suitable moment conditions. Our proofs are based on an analysis o ...

Scaling Limits in Divisible Sandpiles

A Fourier Multiplier Approach

In this paper we investigate scaling limits of the odometer in divisible sandpiles on d-dimensional tori following up the works of Chiarini et al. (Odometer of long-range sandpiles in the torus: mean behaviour and scaling limits, 2018), Cipriani et al. (Probab Theory Relat Fields ...
In this note we study metastability phenomena for a class of long-range Ising models in one-dimension. We prove that, under suitable general conditions, the configuration - 1 is the only metastable state and we estimate the mean exit time. Moreover, we illustrate the theory with ...
A signed network represents how a set of nodes are connected by two logically contradictory types of links: positive and negative links. In a signed products network, two products can be complementary (purchased together) or substitutable (purchased instead of each other). Such c ...
This work deals with the divisible sandpile model when an initial configuration sampled from a heavy-tailed distribution. Extending results of Levine et al. (2015) and Cipriani et al. (2016) we determine sufficient conditions for stabilization and non-stabilization on infinite gr ...
In a recent work Levine et al. (Ann Henri Poincaré 17:1677–1711, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00023-015-0433-x) prove that the odometer function of a divisible sandpile model on a finite graph can be expressed as a shifted discrete bilaplacian Gaussian field. For the discrete ...

Contour Methods for Long-Range Ising Models

Weakening Nearest-Neighbor Interactions and Adding Decaying Fields

We consider ferromagnetic long-range Ising models which display phase transitions. They are one-dimensional Ising ferromagnets, in which the interaction is given by Jx,y=J(|x-y|)≡1|x-y|2-α with α∈ [0 , 1) , in particular, J(1) = 1. For this class of models, one way in which one c ...
We consider the two-dimensional Ising model with long-range pair interactions of the form (Formula presented.) with (Formula presented.), mostly when (Formula presented.). We show that Dobrushin states (i.e. extremal non-translation-invariant Gibbs states selected by mixed ± boun ...
We prove that the Abelian sandpile model on a random binary and binomial tree, as introduced in Redig, Ruszel, and Saada [J. Stat. Phys. 147, 653-677 (2012)], is not critical for all branching probabilities p < 1; by estimating the tail of the annealed survival time of a random w ...
We characterize the phase space for the infinite volume limit of a ferromagnetic mean-field XY model in a random field pointing in one direction with two symmetric values. We determine the stationary solutions and detect possible phase transitions in the interaction strength for ...
We introduce a class of reinforcement models where, at each time step t, one first chooses a random subset At of colours (independently of the past) from n colours of balls, and then chooses a colour i from this subset with probability proportional to the number of balls of colou ...
Cellular Automata are discrete-time dynamical systems on a spatially extended discrete space which provide paradigmatic examples of nonlinear phenomena. Their stochastic generalizations, i.e., Probabilistic Cellular Automata (PCA), are discrete time Markov chains on lattice with ...
We consider infinite-dimensional diffusions where the interaction between the coordinates has a finite extent both in space and time. In particular, it is not supposed to be smooth or Markov. The initial state of the system is Gibbs, given by a strong summable interaction. If the ...
We study the abelian sandpile model on a random binary tree. Using a transfer
matrix approach introduced by Dhar and Majumdar, we prove exponential decay of correlations, and in a small supercritical region (i.e., where the branching process survives with positive probability ...
We consider a class of infinite-dimensional diffusions where the interaction between the components has a finite extent both in space and time. We start the system from a Gibbs measure with a finite-range uniformly bounded interaction. Under suitable conditions on the drift, we p ...
We review some recent developments in the study of Gibbs and non-Gibbs properties of transformed n-vector lattice and mean-field models under various transformations. Also, some new results for the loss and recovery of the Gibbs property of planar rotor models during stochastic t ...
We consider planar rotors (XY spins) in ℤd, starting from an initial Gibbs measure and evolving with infinite-temperature stochastic (diffusive) dynamics. At intermediate times, if the system starts at low temperature, Gibbsianness can be lost. Due to the influence of the externa ...