P. Cirillo
17 records found
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a sobering reminder of the extensive damage brought about by epidemics, phenomena that play a vivid role in our collective memory, and that have long been identified as significant sources of risk for humanity. The use of increasingly sophisticated
We propose an alternative approach to the modeling of the positive dependence between the probability of default and the loss given default in a portfolio of exposures, using a bivariate urn process. The model combines the power of Bayesian nonparametrics and statistical learning
Computing the exact distributions of some functions of the ordered multinomial counts
Maximum, minimum, range and sums of order statistics
Starting from seminal neglected work by Rappeport (Rappeport 1968 Algorithms and computational procedures for the application of order statistics to queuing problems. PhD thesis, New York University), we revisit and expand on the exact algorithms to compute the distribution of th
Answering a major demand in modern credit risk management, we propose a nonparametric survival approach for the modeling of the recovery rate and the recovery time of a defaulted counterparty, by introducing what we call the Recovery Reinforced Urn Process, a special type of comb
From Concentration Profiles to Concentration Maps
New tools for the study of loss distributions
We introduce a novel approach to risk management, based on the study of concentration measures of the loss distribution. We show that indices like the Gini index, especially when restricted to the tails by conditioning and truncation, give us an accurate way of assessing the vari
We propose an approach to compute the conditional moments of fat-tailed phenomena that, only looking at data, could be mistakenly considered as having infinite mean. This type of problems manifests itself when a random variable Y has a heavy-tailed distribution with an extremely
We study the problems related to the estimation of the Gini index in presence of a fat-tailed data generating process, i.e. one in the stable distribution class with finite mean but infinite variance (i.e. with tail index α∈(1,2)). We show that, in such a case, the Gini coefficie
Pasquale Cirillo and Nassim Nicholas Taleb respond to December's “Ask a Statistician” column, explaining more about their work to understand the risk of violent conflicts@en
Starting from an extensive database, pooling 9 years of data from the top three insurance brokers in Italy, and containing 38125 reported claims due to alleged cases of medical malpractice, we use an inhomogeneous Poisson process to model the number of medical malpractice claims
The Decline of Violent Conflicts
What Do The Data Really Say?
We propose a methodology to look at violence in particular, and other aspects of
quantitative historiography in general, in a way compatible with statistical inference, which needs to accommodate the fat-tailedness of the data and the unreliability of the reports of conflicts. We
Statistical analyses on actual data depict operational risk as an extremely heavy-tailed phenomenon, able to generate losses so extreme as to suggest the use of infinite-mean models. But no loss can actually destroy more than the entire value of a bank or of a company, and this u
We examine statistical pictures of violent conflicts over the last 2000 years, providing techniques for dealing with the unreliability of historical data.
We make use of a novel approach to deal with fat-tailed random variables with a remote but nonetheless finite upper bound ...
We make use of a novel approach to deal with fat-tailed random variables with a remote but nonetheless finite upper bound ...