M.A. Schleiss

16 records found

This thesis aims to enhance rainfall nowcasting by improving motion field predictions and ensemble generation within PySTEPS using machine learning techniques. Accurate nowcasting is crucial for flood early warning, agriculture, transportation, and public safety. The steady-state ...
This thesis project is centered around the retrieval of meteorological parameters using a fast-scanning phased array radar, specifically targeting precipitation-like objects such as raindrops. The main objective is to transform radar data into variables that accurately characteri ...
A personal weather station (PWS) is a set of weather measuring instruments that is owned and operated by an individual, club, association, or business. Even tho these stations might be less advanced as the professional stations, the amount of amateur stations that are active is ...

Diverse Explorations of Rainfall Nowcasting with TrajGRU

Mitigating Smoothness and Fading Out Challenges for Longer Lead Times

Machine learning models offer promising potential in precipitation nowcasting. However, a common issue faced by many of these models is the tendency to produce blurry precipitation nowcasts, which are unrealistic. Previous research on the deep learning model - TrajGRU (Shi et al. ...
BaCla is a new stochastic parametric precipitation model to estimate rainfall associated with Tropical cyclones (TCs) in a computationally efficient way. It is validated for a number of calibration cases along with the current benchmark IPET deterministic method. The results of t ...
Accurate short term rain predictions are important for flood early warning systems, emergency services, energy management and other services that that make weather dependent decisions. Recently introduced machine learning models suffer from blurry and unrealistic predictions at l ...
The Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar on board the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission core satellite has been providing precipitation products across the globe for over 6 years, thereby even supplying precipitation estimates for areas on Earth where surface-based pre ...

Parametric Precipitation Model for Tropical Cyclone Radial Rainfall Profiles

Reducing the biases in the Bader model for the North Atlantic

Torrential rain from tropical cyclones can have a devastating impact, causing loss of life and billions in damages. To better understand the risk faced by coastal communities, it is important to estimate how often a tropical cyclone could occur and how much rainfall it will produ ...
Accurate short-term forecasts, also known as nowcasts, of heavy precipitation are desirable for creating early warning systems for extreme weather and its consequences, e.g. urban flooding. In this research, we explore the use of machine learning for short-term prediction of heav ...
Large parts of the world rely on rainfed agriculture for their food security. In Africa, 90% of the agricultural yields rely only on precipitation for irrigation purposes and approximately 80% of the population’s livelihood is highly dependent on its food production. Parts of Gha ...
Radar rainfall nowcasting stands for the prediction of rainfall amounts and intensities over the next 6 hours by means of statistical extrapolation of radar measurements. It is the principal ingredient for modern flood forecasting and early warning systems. Radar forecasts are ge ...

Novel machine learning methods to enhance wind power probabilistic forecasting

SPinHy-NN framework proposal for European electricity markets

The increasing penetration of weather-dependent energy sources brings additional challenges to the operation of the power system. Wind power forecasting is a valuable resource for these power operators: a tool that aids the decision-making process and facilitates risk management. ...
Eutrophication processes in coastal waters are becoming more prominent as a result of high nutrient discharges from intensive agriculture and increased urban waste. These processes can be devastating for local ecosystems and lead to dissolved oxygen depletion, which applies consi ...
Flooding in cities, known as Urban Pluvial Flooding (UPF), causes disruption of society, damage to cities and inconvenience for people. Cities are expected to become more vulnerable to UPF due to more frequent and more intense extreme rainfall events with high spatial variabilit ...
While rainfall is the key input to most hydrological models, its precise characteristics are often uncertain. Runoff generation does not only depend on the measured rainfall resolution but also on the level of detail of land-use and therefore of the runoff generation. This study ...
The Inter-Amount Times (IAT) adaptive sampling technique has been used for the analysis of hydrological response in urban areas. The analysis of hydrological response often requires the correct use and interpretation of temporal parameters such as lag time adapted to complexities ...