M. Melles

24 records found

Digital Patient Experience

Evaluation and Improvement from a Human-Centered Design Perspective

A positive digital patient experience can improve health and care outcomes, but a positive digital patient experience does not just happen; it refers to understanding, evaluating, and improving the entire patient journey through digital health. Human-centered design is often appl ...

This thesis explores design interventions for individuals with Developmental Topographical Disorientation (DTD) and others with weak navigational skills. “DTD refers to the lifelong inability to orient in extremely familiar surroundings despite the absence of any acquired brain damage or neurological disorder” (Iaria & Burles, 2016) This research focused on addressing the gap between allocentric navigation (map-based, provided by technology) and egocentric navigation (personal perspective), which many individuals with DTD struggle to translate effectively in their daily life. 

The research goal was to explore how to better support people with DTD, as well as others with below average navigational skills, in bridging the gap between these two navigational perspectives. Interviews with students and recent graduates who self-identified as having poor navigational skills revealed low spatial anxiety, likely due to their reliance on GPS. Based on these interviews and navigation technology research, wayfinding guidelines were developed, emphasizing clear visual landmarks that simplify the cognitive translation between map-based and personal navigation.

A design concept was created which presents the directions to take in a landmark based map, with a song as a mnemonic aid to learn the navigation instruction. Focusing on how individuals use both allocentric and egocentric perspectives to navigate an evaluation with participants who self identify as not having good navigation skills, navigated a virtual environment using the concept. Results showed that while a multisensory approach can be useful, clear and simple visual cues, such as the selection of one specific landmark per decision point, are more effective in aiding navigation.

In conclusion, the study shows design guidelines to simplify the transition between allocentric and egocentric navigation, and to motivate the user to memorize the route rather than relying solely on technology or multisensory tools. It also highlights the need for greater awareness of DTD and offers insights into designing accessible, user-centered navigation tools.

Improving the Workflow of Radiation Oncologists

Facilitating Data-Enabled Pre-treatment Process Optimization in Radiotherapy

Every year in the Netherlands, approximately 100,000 patients are diagnosed with cancer ( . With these numbers on the rise, and a shortage of staffing, there is an increased workload on the existing professionals to work fast, despite the complexity and metic ...
The increasing waiting times in youth mental health care pose a significant challenge, driven by a shortage of specialists and external factors that complicate diagnosis and prolong treatment. Shoshin, a multidisciplinary strategic design and innovation agency, has developed a so ...

Brainwise with the Self-portrait app

Providing child patients with a meaningful translation of their test-results

This report delves into the challenging process of translating complex tests from the Child Brain Lab into a design that is both accessible and engaging for children. The Child Brain Lab, part of the Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital, conducts research on brain development to ...
This thesis is initiated by the Reinier Haga Orthopaedic Centre (RHOC) and shows the creation of a patient-centred healthcare network for orthopaedic hand and wrist care. A healthcare network can be defined as a group of interconnected stakeholders that directly or indirect ...

Focus on underserved patients

Improving the collection of PROMs within the HIV outpatient clinic of the Amsterdam UMC

The HIV outpatient clinic of Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)is implementing digital patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMS) in routine care to improve the quality of life (QoL) for people living with HIV (PWH). We were asked to design tools to prom ...
For hemophilia patients, a simple fall or injury can cause excessive bleeding, which if not handled properly can cause major disabilities and in extreme situations even death. Due to the insufficient blood coagulation factors in their system, a fun day can easily end in the emerg ...

Contextual information sharing in patient referrals

Facilitating implicit information exchange in interdisciplinary communication

IntroductionThis Strategic Product Design master thesis aims to find a solution to the problem of ill fitting care trajectories that result in overtreatment, higher costs and negatively impacted health outcomes. This project was created with the recently founded Reinier Haga Orth ...
This project aims to develop tailored non-invasive ventilation (NIV) masks for children in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), to offer suitable masks and to improve the NIV intervention. In the PICU, there is a preference for NIV compared to invasive ventilation, because ...
Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy have a different life from most children. As they grow up, their muscles lose strength progressively. Around the age of 10, they lose their ability to walk, in their teens they slowly lose their arm function, in their twenties they often need ...
This graduation project is performed for the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) in collaboration with VU University Medical Center (VUmc), Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In many situations pregnant women need to use a medicine during pregnancy, especially when they ...

Increasing nurse job satisfaction

Shaping future experiences in a post-merger neonatal intensive care department by using the Design Thinking methodology

In 2018, both of Amsterdam’s academic hospitals(VUmc & AMC) officially merged into the Amsterdam UMC. As part of thismerger two neonatal Intensive care units (NICU) are merging as well. Thisproject aims to increase the job satisfaction of NICU nurses in t ...

Infection prevention as a shared responsibility

Improving the patient experience during contact isolation

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) can occur when microorganisms spread between hospitalized patients. To prevent highly contagious or resistant microorganisms from spreading from one patient to the other, isolation precautions such as contact isolation are applied when patie ...
What role patients should assume in medical decision making is an issue that has stimulated much debate. A wide variety of opinions exist, ranging from the view that patients should assume at least some responsibility for their own treatment, to the position that it is unwise to ...
This graduation project has been carried out in the context of the research project ‘Tailored Healthcare through Customer Profiling’ at the TU Delft, in collaboration with hospital Reinier de Graaf Group in Delft, and medical device company Zimmer Biomet. Together we focus in thi ...
The National Immunisation Programme (NIP) provides Dutch children with vaccinations for twelve infectious diseases free of charge and on voluntary basis. During several years, the vaccination coverage in the Netherlands has declined (about 0.5 percent per year). It is important t ...
Yearly, 270 people in the Netherlands are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and over 16.000 people are already diagnosed with MS in the Netherlands [1]. Between 40% and 70% of MS patients suffer from cognitive complaints in various stages of their disease [8, 67]. The MS Cen ...

Seamless Interactions Between Medical Professionals in Stressful Environment

Designing the statIQ smartwatch for combat medics of the Royal Netherlands Army

In recent years, societal trends and fears have shifted the focus of governmental institutions more and more on prevention of domestic emergencies (such as natural disasters, or terrorist attacks). These catastrophic events may result in mass casualty incidents, which are defined ...
An acute admission is a disruption from daily life and affects the child patient and his or her family. To reduce this disruption of daily life, the VKC is planning to build a Paediatric Acute Medical Unit (P-AMU) in the coming years. The VKC (Vrouw-Kind Centrum; Woman-Child Cent ...